(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) A senator in the United States was arrested at the airport after carrying a gun to Hong Kong last week. On Monday (October 23), he was controlled and was approved for bail.

According to Agence France -Presse, Republican Senator Stephen Jeff Wilson from Washington, Washington, was arrested after taking a flight from San Francisco on San Francisco on the evening of Friday (October 20).

Wilson's office said in a statement on Monday: "This is the unintentional loss, and it is expected that the situation will be resolved soon."

Wilson said that when he passed the US airport security inspection, he did not realize that he put his pistol in a briefcase. He only found a pistol that was not loaded during the flight.thing.

Wilson said that his trip traveled to Southeast Asia for five weeks with his wife.

According to "Hong Kong 01" and Sing Tao Daily, Wilson took the opportunity to arrive in Hong Kong last Saturday (October 21), and was found by the customs with a left wheel pistol in his luggage.EssenceIf he is successful, he will be fined up to HK $ 100,000 (S $ 17,470) in a maximum of 14 years.

The case on Monday in the Shatian Magistrate Court.The referee re -reported the case in the Western Kowloon Magistrate Court for a week to October 30. Wilson was approved to be released on bail at a cash of HK $ 20,000 (S $ 3495).