Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao recently stated that it will complete 23 legislation of the Basic Law next year.Lin Dingguo, director of the Law of Hong Kong, said that 23 legislation is "arrears of homework" and the completion of legislation is "repaying old debts" rather than new goals.

According to the Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily, Lin Dingguo delivered a speech on a forum on Friday (October 27) saying that Hong Kong has participating in the International Human Rights Convention and will continue to protect human rights and basic freedom, but it will maintain it to maintain it, but it will maintain it to maintain it.The premise of national security respects the basic human rights of Hong Kong citizens, freedom of speech and freedom of rally.

He said that 23 legislation is the constitutional responsibility of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. It is not a question of KPI, but a "arrears of homework" and has not been able to complete it for many years.He also said that he was confident to complete legislation within next year.

Lin Dingguo also mentioned that world geopolitical evolution has brought great changes to Hong Kong.To deal with these challenges, the most basic principle is that Hong Kong people must be confident, self -protection and self -reliance.He said that the laws that maintain the national security and internal security of Hong Kong do not exert restrictions, but are the same as vaccine to strengthen their own resistance.

In response to whether young people who will participate in the Hong Kong's anti -repair campaign in 2019, he said that Hong Kong is a social rule of law and is responsible for violating the law for his own actions.He also said that the court will consider the age and background of young people when judging, and law enforcement and correction organs will give counseling to help these young people understand the society and re -invest in society.