The Hong Kong Court rejected the appeal request of the Hong Kong Housing Commission on Tuesday (October 17) to maintain the local housing policy to eliminate the unconstitutional ruling of homosexual spouses.

Comprehensive Hong Kong 01, Sing Tao Headline and Ming Pao reported that the appeal request involved two pairs of gay couples, each with each partner.

One of the partners submitted public housing applications to the Housing Committee, but the Housing Committee rejected their application based on the definition of the "couple", and one of the partners' judicial review was for this.The Hong Kong High Court ruling the plaintiff earlier. The Housing Committee must re -consider their application and say that the Housing Committee's approach has different treatments to the same sex and heterosexual partner, which violates the principle of peace.

In another case, the Housing Committee did not recognize same -sex marriage, so that the same -sex partner of another man could not live with the housing unit where he was purchased with him, and the partner also proposed a judicial review.The High Court held that the relevant policies of the Housing Committee were unconstitutional, and the same sex and heterosexual partners had the same needs for houses and co -branded home ownership.

The Housing Committee appealed to the two cases, but the appeal court ruled that the appeal was not established, and the housing committee lost the lawsuit.