Hong Kong media reports that the Legislative Council will modify the member duty mechanism. It may stipulate that during the period of a specific meeting, if you need to leave the Legislative Council building for more than an hour for some reason, you must declare through the social platform WhatsApp.

The Sing Tao headlines in Hong Kong reported on Tuesday (October 17) that during the period of the Legislative Council, members of the parliament need to leave the building with their work lunch, meet with the industry, settle in the community (enter the community), etc.For more than hours, you must declare through the WhatsApp group to count the number of attendees.

The report quoted senior members that there was a communication group of all members of parliamentarians and colleagues. Generally, members of the members temporarily leaving Hong Kong for the time being, and they will report in this group.

Sources said that the Legislative Council will also stipulate that the non -name voting of the three important conferences of the conference, internal and accounting and accounting, at least half of the members will be attended.In addition, the direct selection, functional sectors and election committees must have at least half of the members of the Commission.

It is reported that due to the overlapping situation of some members of the three major sectors, the exact level of implementation still needs to be explored, but in general, the sectarian convener Liao Liao Liao Liao, the title of the "squad leader",The Yangtze River hopes that all parliamentarians will increase the attendance rate and voting rate.

The Legislative Council member was revealed that the attendance rate was not good earlier. Liao Changjiang had posted thousands of characters to tell members to reduce entertainment and sing performances.According to sources, Liao Changjiang, together with Li Huiqiong, chairman Li Huiqiong last week, held a coordinated meeting with the functional sectors and the election committee members, and issued a new duty request for new duty during the period.