According to Hong Kong media reports, the Hong Kong Government Report will propose a number of measures to actively achieve the goal of becoming an international education hub. The measures include the non -local limits of the eight major universities, from 20%of the funding places to 40%.And encourage universities to raise students from Southeast Asia, Belt and Road areas, to avoid non -local students monopolized by mainland students.

According to the Sing Tao Daily, the universities funded by the eight education committees of Hong Kong are currently notasing the upper limit of the non -local students.It is reported that the new policy report proposes to build a "international higher education hub", which will be raised to 40%of the non -local lifetime limit. It is suggested that the opinions of eight major universities have been consulted and supported.Based on the current funding of about 15,000 universities per grade, increasing the limit means that non -local students have increased from the current up to 3,000 to 6,000.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao will announce the second policy report during his tenure on October 25.Li Jiachao said on the 1st of this month that a new policy report will emphasize Huin people's livelihood, fight for the economy, and do practical things.

Reports pointed out that in recent years, non -local students are mainly mainland students. According to data from the Government Statistics Department, since the 2021/22 school year, the number of mainland students in the two consecutive school years has accounted for more than 70%of the total number of non -local students.

The report quoted the news that the government has noticed that the phenomenon of non -local students is currently dominated by mainland students. Recently, it has been frequent.Pay attention to the situation where non -local students are monopolized by the mainland, so as not to affect the degree of internationalization and lead to a decline in university rankings.The director of the Education Bureau Cai Ruolian visited Xi'an earlier and participated in the Silk Road University Alliance Forum, Hong Kong and Central Asian universities. It is reported that it is preparing for the students from the "Belt and Road" regions for the university.

As for the Asianan country, the news states that the official will strengthen publicity and let the local understanding of the advantages of being promoted to universities in Hong Kong.The cultural background is similar to Hong Kong, and it is expected that it has become the goal of students locked by universities.

However, the increasing local students' admission to the increasing local students in Hong Kong, and the long -term insufficient problem of university places is expected to be more serious. It is known that official identity needs time, but it is not unable to solve it. For exampleAs a dormitory, or reduce the proportion of local students to the dormitory.

In addition, it is reported that officials have also launched measures to attract non -local students to stay in Hong Kong after graduating from Hong Kong.It is reported that at present, only 1%of Hong Kong's non -local students will stay in Hong Kong to develop after graduating. The official expects to increase the numbers to 5%, and be on with overseas countries such as Britain and the United States.

Zhou Wengang, a member of the Legislative Council of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong Education University of Education (university expansion), identified the upper limit of the non -local collection of students, and it is also recommended to consider to increase to 50%and stages in stages in stages.Relax.

After the policy is relaxed, where the non -local students come from? Zhou Wengang said that it is difficult for students in Hong Kong to absorb students in developed countries such as Britain, the United States, and New countries to go to Hong Kong to advance their studies.It takes a considerable proportion.He believes that universities can refer to overseas practices, with the goal of top or middle -class background students in developing countries; universities and governments should refer to foreign countries, recruit students, and promote top schools or middle -class regions overseas.Public and private universities will go to foreign propaganda together, not like the "blind head black fly" or university alone, but to set up an independent institution to enroll students overseas. "

How to attract them after graduation after graduationStaying in Hong Kong, Zhou Wengang believes that from before graduation, he will hold career expo and job fairs for overseas students to let them see the opportunity to develop in Hong Kong. "Especially the mainland's middle class is rising.Market; Hong Kong has the freedom of entry and exit and capital flow. They can also be based on Hong Kong to promote the trade between their original land and the mainland. "