The Hong Kong High Court rejected the Hong Kong government's request to reject the right to the same -sex marriage partner in the inheritance of the same -sex marriage partner on Tuesday (October 24), saying that rejection of this right is "an unacceptable heavy burden."

Reuters, Sing Tao Daily, and Hong Kong 01 reported that Wu Hanlin, a homosexual who was depressed and killed three years ago, was worried that his partner Li Yihao could not inherit the inheritance after his death.Inheritance method.

The original lawsuit of the Hong Kong High Court ruled that Wu Hanlin won the lawsuit in 2020 and pointed out that the inheritance law of the will not be treated with same -sex partners and heterosexual partners, which is illegal discrimination against sexual tendencies.The Hong Kong Government's Law Department was dissatisfied with the decision to appeal, but the Court of Appeal of the High Court issued a written verdict on Tuesday at noon on Tuesday. It did not accept all the research proposed by the Department of Justice, rejected the appeal, and ordered the Hong Kong government to pay the litigation fee.

The appeal of the appeal was judged by the judges of the Appeal Court, Yuan Jianing, and the district Qingxiang.Zhang Zeyou said that Wu Hanlin and Li Yihao were legally married in the UK. Although they enjoyed the freedom of making a will during their lifetime, they could not resolve the difference between the regulations of the inheritance of the will of the will.Excluding the definition of "valid marriage", "husband" and "wife" in the regulations of the inheritance of the inheritance (support of the survivors and adopters) regulations (supporting the survivors and adopters) regulations.

Zhang Zeyou believes that the fellow partner's right to involve the case will not affect the consistency of the marriage law. Therefore, the original judge's rules are identified as the regulations involved in the case based on different sexual partners.

Li Yhao issued a statement through a lawyer that his husband Wu Hanlin's death made him sad, but the Hong Kong government re -denied their marriage relationship in the court, as if sprinkled with salt on the wound.He said that the original intention of Wu Hanlin's judicial review was to protect himself and avoid being displaced by his relatives.He said that for him, more importantly is to pick up a basic respect between people and people, and hope that the Hong Kong government can respect the court's judgment.

Paying on Qiu Mingnuo, the co -sponsor of the Group's Marriage Confantance Association, welcomed the decision of the Appeals Division, saying that the Appeal Division rejected all the appeal of the Law Department and sent a clear message.The Hong Kong Government and the appeal of the Hong Kong Government should concentrate on formulating the legal replacement framework in the next two years, so that the relationship between the same sexual partner is recognized by the law.

The Hong Kong Final Appeal Court also tried in September this year that the convener of the former civilian formation Cen Zijie refused to acknowledge the appealed cases proposed by the Hong Kong Government's refusal to recognize the registration of overseas same -sex marriage.The Hong Kong government is required to formulate a framework to legalize the needs of the basic society of homosexual partners.