(Hong Kong News) The Hong Kong Disneyland has rampant the thief this year.According to the Hong Kong police, 78 stores in the park had been received in mid -August this year, and more than a hundred people were arrested, a significant increase from the same period last year and before the epidemic.

Sing Tao Daily reported on Tuesday (August 29) that the Lantau Police District received a total of 78 shops in Disneyland from early this year to August 16th., Environmental protection bags, umbrellas, etc., there are as many as 106 people.

Compared with the same period last year, the number of cases doubled, the number of arrested people rose 1.52 times, and also increased by multiple before the three -year epidemic.If there are only 44 cases and 47 arrested people in 2018 before the epidemic, there are only 47 cases and 49 arrested people in 2019.

It is worth noting that there were 65.15 million passengers in Hong Kong in 2018 and 55.91 million people in 2019. In 2019, there were only 12.9 million people from January to June this year, but theft in the paradise increased.

Among them, the Philippine family who went to Hong Kong to travel to Hong Kong stole about 300 items on August 6, with a total value of 420,000 yuan (Hong Kong dollars, the same below, S $ 7252).They were divided into five groups on the same day to theft at different locations. They were intercepted by the park security officers and were transferred to police arrested. The arrested people were 18 to 52 years old.

The Lantau police district launched a six -day anti -theft operation on August 12. The arrested people accounted for more than 10 % of the local Chinese tourists, and there were a few foreign passengers.Most of the stolenrs bought an annual ticket of 1,000 yuan, and they were "returned" at any time, which may be a habitual criminal.Police have not found that someone sells stolen goods online, nor has it discovered that the capture of the criminal group is controlled.