A man in Hong Kong was suspected of attacking mainland travelers during the anti -repair campaign and was sentenced to 14 months.

According to Ming Pao, the 27 -year -old insurance agent acknowledged illegal assembly earlier, and was also sentenced to 14 months in prison on Tuesday (August 29) in the Western Kowloon Magistrate Court.

The control scheme refers to that at 11 pm on September 2, 2019, Dong Boxuan, a mainland man who travels to Hong Kong, walks along Mathag Road from Jindu Shopping Mall. A demonstration woman asked Dong to shout the political sloganThe demonstrators began to follow him.Afterwards, someone screamed to Dong, then attacked, and the defendant participated in it.

The crime segment played by the court showed that before Dong Boxuan was beaten, he shouted "I came from China" and "here is Hong Kong, China".

The referee of the Acting Director said that Dong Boxuan was a passenger and was beaten because he showed the identity of the Chinese people.And chasing the victim to the police station, showing that he was unable to discipline, so he was sentenced to 14 months.