After Huang Zhihua's farewell banquet of Huang Daxian Civil Affairs Commissioner Huang Zhihua, the Hong Kong Legislative Council members have attracted much attention from the behavior outside the parliament.Some parliamentarians stated that they would not participate before they were suspended by the "Board of Good Voice" concert.

Hong Kong media such as "Hong Kong 01" and Ming Dao Xingdao Daily reported on Tuesday (August 29) that the "Story Good Voice" concert was originally scheduled to be in Elizhab, Wan Chai, September 8th.Stadium is held.

It is understood that Li Jiachao, the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, will attend the event, but the Chief Executive Office has recently changed to tend to attend.The "Hong Kong 01" report quoted sources as saying that the concert of "Story Good Voice" was likely to be suspended.

There are 13 members of the Hong Kong Legislative Council participated in this concert. Three of them Rong Haien, He Jingkang, and Chen Jiayi have stated that they will not participate in the performance before the event organizer announced.Work performance of parliament.

The event was hosted by the Blue Star Action Company and assisted in the regional people who organized the event that the company had hired a public relations company and released the latest news to announce the press release on Wednesday (30th) at the latest (30th).

The Blue Star Action announced the cancellation of the above concert on Tuesday afternoon. Chairman Li Peiyi said that after internal discussion, it is not the right time for the concert.

Liao Changjiang, the leader of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, recently issued a warm reminder to the members, emphasizing that members of the parliament should ensure that their behavior will not damage the reputation of the Legislative Council, nor can there be citizens who have negative citizens to members of the Legislative Council.The expectations of the code of conduct generally have.

Liao Changjiang mentioned that he should pay attention to the problem of observation, saying that the relevant members are engaged in activities other than the Legislative Council, such as dance, singing, performing arts activities, and sports activities.Make citizens feel that they are not doing business.

About 500 representatives from all walks of life from Huangdaxian District opened 43 seats in a restaurant last Thursday (24th). Huang Zhihua, Huang Daxian Civil Affairs, who will go to Beijing for one year in early September.For spectacular, Liang Zhenying, a former chief executive of Hong Kong and vice chairman of the Chinese CPPCC, has more publicly bombarded the exaggerated and wastefulness of the creation of the creation.