The civil affairs commissioner Huang Zhihua sent a banquet incident, Ye Guoqian, a former member of the Hong Kong Executive Council, suggested that the government formulates guidelines on such activities so that officials can be compliant.

According to Sing Tao Daily, Ye Guoqian said on Tuesday (August 29) that he is not familiar with Huang Zhihua on Tuesday (August 29), but it is said that "it is easy to invite guests".Attendance reflects his work affirmed by the region.

Ye Guoqian believes that Huang Zhihua should know that there is such a grand farewell meeting, which should be responsible for this, but he does not think that the event involves the conversion of interests, because he has not seen the regional commissioner after the transfer can return to work in the same district to work in the same area to work in the same district.Essence

Ye Guoqian said that the incident caused the outside world to question, and the government should review in -depth review. Whether it involves exaggeration, waste, or labor to hurt money, to formulate guidelines, so that officials will be compliant and will not cause residents in the district to produce.misunderstanding.

About 500 representatives from all walks of life from Huangdaxian District opened 43 seats in a restaurant on August 24. Huang Zhihua, a Huang Daxian Civil Affairs Commissioner who will go to Beijing for one year in early September. The scene is spectacular.Disputes in the society, Liang Zhenying, former Chief Executive of Hong Kong and Vice Chairman of the Chinese CPPCC National Committee, has more publicly bombarded the creation of the creation community.

Huang Zhihua posted on the evening of August 25th on social networking sites, expressing apologies to the social perception after the incident exposure.Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao also mentioned the incident just on Sunday just past, saying that he believed in all aspects of lessons, and relevant officials have apologized, "we should all learn from this."