Studies of the School of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong found that during the three years of the crown disease epidemic, the obesity rate of children's obesity increased from about 15%to nearly 20%, an increase of more than 30%.Product -related.

According to the report on Sunday (August 27), Ye Baiqiang, a clinical associate professor of the Department of Children and Youth Sciences at the School of Clinical Medicine of the University of Hong Kong, introduced that the number of Hong Kong Health Agency shows that from 2019 to 2020, the 4 -year -old child's overweight ratioFrom 2.8%to 5%; the ultra -weight ratio of students in primary school first and second grades rose from 13.9%to 20.9%; the overweight ratio of middle school students also increased from 21.4%to 24.1%.

Ye Baiqiang pointed out that the rise in obesity rate is very related to children's diet habits.Studies have found that more than 75%of children in the epidemic have performed excessive sodium daily, and 64.4%of children's intake of calcium is lower than the recommended intake, and 12%of children take ingestion of vitamin D insufficient.Ye Baiqiang explained that if children absorb too much salt, they can cause excessive active symptoms in a short period of time. In the long run, there may be high blood pressure, causing loads to the heart and kidneys.In addition, many grass -roots families have difficulty getting fresh fruits and fruits during the epidemic, so they replace canned foods, which reduces the opportunity for children to absorb nutrition.

Studies also show that the amount of children in children under the epidemic is seriously insufficient. Only 20%of children's holiday exercise has reached WHO standards, and the amount of exercise on weekdays is only 5%of children.

Ye Baiqiang also pointed out that the epidemic has led to the late bedtime of elementary school students, and the time of using electronic products has also risen from 2 hours before the epidemic to 7 hours.Insufficient, excessive active and other issues.