Chen Lexing, chairman of the Hong Kong registered community that promotes Cantonese, said that the community has deleted an article alleged to violate the Hong Kong National Security Law in the artistic contest, and will also dissolve "Hong Kong language science"Essence

Chen Lexing Monday (August 28) announced on the Facebook page of the "Hong Kong language" Facebook page saying that recently the Hong Kong Guoan Department staff came to his old residence, that is, search and question of his family's residence,Refers to a Hong Kong language essay contest, the entry of the Cantonese Cantonese Essay Contest is suspected of violating the Hong Kong National Security Law and requested to remove it.In order to ensure the safety of his family and former members, he decided to stop all operations from the Hong Kong registered community from now on, and start the dissolution procedure.

Chen Lexing said in the announcement that last Tuesday (22nd), the Hong Kong Guoan Department personnel went to his old residence to ask him himself. At that time, his family replied that he could not meet in the field.However, the National Security Department still entered the residence of his family without a search order, and asked his family to convey to remove an article in the Cantonese conquest competition of "Hong Kong language" three years ago.

Chen Lexing said that he then called the Hong Kong National Security Department to inquire about the relevant incidents., Ask him to remove the relevant articles immediately.Considering the situation of family members in Hong Kong, Chen Lexing will immediately delete the articles on the same day.

Chen Lexing said that the members of the Hong Kong National Security Department emphasized that because the Civil Affairs Office of the Central and Western District has repeatedly contacted him, after consulting the Department of Justice, he believed that the relevant articles violated the National Security Law of Hong Kong and took relevant actions.However, he checked the email records with the Civil Affairs Office of the Central and Western District. As of December 21, 2021, he query the issue of repayment to the Civil Affairs Office. He has not received any reply so far.

Chen Lexing emphasized that "Hong Kong language science" has been determined by his full authority since 2020 community activities and organization.Since being arrears by the Civil Affairs Office, in order to reduce costs, only his business affairs and daily operations.As for the operation of social platforms and websites, he is also responsible for management and operation, which has nothing to do with his family, any well -known member, or in Hong Kong.