"Hong Kong University of Science and Technology-Xiongbin No. 1" satellite last Friday (August 25) was successfully launched at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Gansu.The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology has therefore become the first university in Hong Kong to launch satellites.

According to the Hong Kong News Agency, "Hong Kong University of Science and Technology-Xiongbin No. 1" is jointly funded by Hong Kong entrepreneurs Ye Zhixiong and Ye Wu Binbin and the first ecological environment satellite launched by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.Hong Kong's first folk support and named after the individual.

Ye Zhixiong and Ye Wu Binbin said that the satellite launch of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is because they see the efforts and determinations of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to actively promote the development of Hong Kong's aerospace science and technology.

They expressed their hope that they would use this project to help young college students who love the aerospace career realize the aerospace dream faster and cultivate more aerospace talents to participate in space projects.

"Hong Kong University of Science and Technology-Xiongbin No. 1" can monitor the atmosphere and the changes in the ocean, and timely release the information of natural disaster information such as marine red tide, earthquake, mud, tsunami, and tsunami.