SF, the largest express company in mainland China, has applied for a second listing in Hong Kong.

Bloomberg reported that according to the application documents released on Monday (August 21) on the Hong Kong Exchange website, the headquarters is located in Shenzhen's SF, with the help of Goldman Sachs Group, Huatai Securities and JP Morgan ChaseEssence

The application documents do not provide details of the financing scale or timetable.Bloomberg has quoted people familiar with the matter in May that SF may raise funds from 2 billion to 3. billion US dollars (about 2.7 billion to $ 4.1 billion).

According to the data compiled by Bloomberg, SF is the fourth largest listed courier company in the world after UPS, German Post and Federal Express.With the slowdown of China's economy, SF's stock price has fallen by about 23%this year.

Files show that SF's 2022 net profit of 8.1 billion yuan (about S $ 1.5 billion) was increased by 28%year -on -year.