Chen Maobo, director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, said that the current number of flight destinations for airports in Hong Kong has returned to about 75%before the epidemic. It is expected that the airport passenger volume can resume the top 80%of the epidemic at the end of the year and fully recover next year.The number of daily passenger transport and flight volume have also been restored to 65%and 70%before the epidemic.

According to the estimates of the Hong Kong Airport Administration, the passenger volume of the airport will be recovered to about 80 % before the epidemic at the end of the year, and it will be fully recovered next year. Describe the progress of Hong Kong Airlines recovery meets expectations.

Chen Maobo emphasized in the blog that the most important thing is to fill the people's handling gap as soon as possible to support the recovery of high -speed capacity. While actively training and recruiting local personnel, we must enter workers at full speed to relieve people's hands at full speed to relieve people's hands.Insufficient restrictions.

He revealed that in the previously proposed transportation industry input labor plan, the first round of the aviation industry has applied for approval, with a total of more than 2,800 places, covering the ground personnel, the apron of the machine, the apron of the machine, the machine, the machine, the machine, the machine, the co -apron,A total of 10 workers such as waiters and aircraft maintenance technicians are expected to arrive in Hong Kong as early as October this year.

Chen Maobo also proposed that the development of the Hong Kong international aviation hub is opening a new page full speed, from "urban airport" to "airport city".The new model of Bridge Economy ", new opportunities for growth in the Greater Bay Area, and paradigm transfer of freight logistics.

He pointed out that the airport will no longer be just where passengers go out or transit, but combine aviation and different economic functions to become commercial landmarks and even leisure resorts.

Chen Maobo said that in the future, we must further optimize the network and operation of "multi -type transportation", give full play to the status of Hong Kong as the regional aviation hub in the Greater Bay Area, and become the first choice of the mainland and international passengers to and from the Greater Bay Area.