For the Japanese government will discharge nuclear treatment water from Thursday (August 24), Hong Kong Japanese -style restaurant operators predict that half of the Japanese -style restaurants may be closed in the next six months.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and the online media "Hong Kong 01" reported on Tuesday (22) that the Hong Kong Catering Union Association Congress Chen Qiang said that the Japanese government was officially discharged and nuclear.The business has fallen by 30 to 50 %, and has not improved so far. They can only save costs in some times.

Chen Qiang said that Japanese -style restaurants are very difficult to be hit by Hong Kong's economy poor economy, Hong Kong people go north of consumption and nuclear treatment of water, which is very difficult.Although Hong Kong diners are generally confident in the imported Japanese ingredients, they will avoid eating Japanese aquatic products at this stage.

Chen Qiang predicts that the situation will continue to deteriorate after the Japanese emissions nuclear processing water, and the restaurant business may plummet 70 %.

In response to whether the dishes that have changed to other countries, he said that this involves cost factors such as decoration, manpower, and equipment.He predicts that of about 4,000 Japanese -style restaurants in Hong Kong, one -third to half of restaurants may be selected in the next six months.

Chen Qiang said that he hopes that the Hong Kong government can refer to the epidemic prevention and anti -epidemic fund introduced during the epidemic period and give allowances to a Japanese -style restaurant to help the restaurant through difficult times.He also called on the Hong Kong Government to launch more guidelines to restore the business of Japanese -style restaurants, such as launching certifications that meet the requirements of Hong Kong, so that restaurants can show proves to diners and regain their confidence.

Huang Jiahe, the president of the Hong Kong Catering Association, also said that if the Japanese government decides to discharge nuclear treatment water from Thursday, it will directly affect the supplier engaged in Japanese aquatic trade trade and imported Hong KongJapanese -style restaurants will be the first.

He continued that most of the Japanese -style restaurants in Hong Kong have changed from other places to purchase ingredients, but it is difficult to find the same number and quality substitutes. The business of the restaurant is naturally affected.

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Wenxiong announced on Thursday to formally discharge nuclear nuclear treatment of water from the Pacific Ocean.The Hong Kong Government has previously stated that if the Japanese government insists on discharging Fukushima nuclear treatment of water into the sea, it will immediately prohibit the import of aquatic imports in 10 designated capitals in Japan.

Hong Kong is the second largest agricultural product and fishery export market in Japan, second only to mainland China.According to statistics, Japan exported 75.5 billion yen (about S $ 700 million) fishery products to Hong Kong in 2022.