A survey on children's mental health found that 27.3%of elementary school students in Hong Kong have depression symptoms, 7.8%of anxiety symptoms, and 52%have psychological pressure.

According to Ming Pao, the Tsuen Wan Youth Chamber of Commerce and the School of Public Health and Grassroots Medical College of Jockey Club, in April this year, visited 510 primary school students with questionnaires and came to the above results.

The survey found that 51%of the parents of the students interviewed will not or rarely accompany the students to play games on the weekend; if they are calculated only by only small four to primary six students, the proportion of among which is as high as 56%.

Wu Jiexian, an associate professor of the School of Public Health and grassroots Medical College of Jockey Club, said that it is difficult to change the atmosphere of society to pay attention to academic studies, but it is suggested that parents can agree with their children to rest and play after returning home, and then do their homework., To improve the motivation of children's homework and review.

The survey also found that 52%of the students who interviewed students had few parents or did not bring their children to outdoor venues such as playgrounds, parks, and other outdoor venues.In addition, 88%of the most common games interviewed are video games or mobile games.