The first batch of hairy crabs imported from the mainland from the mainland are expected to be delivered in mid -September, and the price is expected to be similar to last year.

According to the Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency on Monday (August 21), although it was suffering from heavy rain, the cultivation of hairy crabs in mainland China was not affected.Industry insiders predict that the first batch of hairy crabs will arrive in Hong Kong in mid -September, and the retail price is similar to last year, ranging from more than 30 to 300 Hong Kong dollars (5.2 to 52 yuan).

Industry insiders pointed out that this year's climate warming has repeatedly delayed the supply time of hairy crabs. From the previous August to mid -September, it is expected to be available until November.

It is reported that the most commonly edible hairy crabs of Hong Kong people are mainly from the mainland. However, due to the pollution of Yangcheng Lake, Jiangsu, the hairy crabs in recent years have mainly come from Taihu and Hongze Lake in Jiangsu.In addition, Hong Kong also imported hairy crabs from Hokkaido, the Netherlands and Japan.

However, He Zhicong, the person in charge of Ocean Three, who specializes in hairy crabs, said that the hairy crabs in the Netherlands and Japan are not nutritious enough. Crab paste is not tasteful. "On the contrary, the mainland supervision is well done, and the quality of hairy crabs is very high."

He Zhicong predicts that because the Hong Kong economy has not fully recovered, there is no price increase for wholesale and retail. It is estimated that the retail price is almost the same as last year.More than 30 Hong Kong dollars, if you go to the 7th and 8th crab emperors, it may take more than 300 Hong Kong dollars.