Taking advantage of the summer vacation in August, I returned to my alma mater last week to gather with the teachers and classmates of that year.The Chinese University of Hong Kong was built on the mountain.

I went to the school on time under the mountain. Unexpectedly, the school bus stopped for one or two minutes.It turned out that the road of the university was a single line. In front of it, there was a private car that was unfamiliar with the traffic situation. The cars in the two directions could not move. The car in the back was forced to stop.Six or seven school security guards were in a hurry to maintain order, but they did not know how to deal with it for a while.

The passengers on the school bus waited for more than half an hour and started to restless.I chose to get out of the car and go directly to the mountain. After walking for about 20 minutes, I sweated to go to the restaurant.I complained to university teachers and classmates that if it was in the society, it would not be possible to solve the small things like traffic jams for half an hour.

What are the worse things that cause traffic jams than small things together?The Chinese University has been a university with an international reputation in the Asian region for many years. We alumni have been proud of it.

During the anti -repair campaign in 2019, students in colleges and universities in Hong Kong have fought on the streets.At that time, many demonstrators took the road to block roads and even used a large amount of gasoline bombs.As a result, CUHK is regarded as one of the most powerful universities that support demonstrators. It is called "Da Da" (that is, the University of Riot), which makes the SAR Government and the Institute of Systems dissatisfied.

The most indignant to the establishment of the establishment was that at the time, a Chinese major female student accused of being treated by police officers at a dialogue with the school.Duan Chongzhi, then the president of the University of China, later condemned the police and was hailed as "Duan Da" by the demonstration.Later, the girl's statement was confirmed to be fictional, but Duan Chongzhi had never publicly apologized to the police.

After the storm settled, Duan Chongzhi was still criticized by the institutionalist in recent years, arguing that he was suspected of supporting mobs.In April last year, when the Director of the Central University of China, the Legislative Council of the Legislative Council of the school was the principal, and also triggered the scolding of the establishment of the establishment of the establishment of the school through Duan Chongzhi, and asked the board of directors of the University of China to comprehensively reform.

Local universities in Hong Kong have always been managed by colleges and universities.Taking the University of China as an example, among the 55 members of the school board, half of the school staff account for half.Three members of the Legislative Council of the Legislative Council appointed by the Chief Executive were appointed as the school, so they raised a draft to the Legislative Council earlier, requiring to modify the form of the board of directors of the board of directors of the college, including reducing the number of members in the school, increasing the number of school directors appointed by the chief executive, and increasing the appointment presidentThreshold and other.

In the reorganization, the board of directors of the Chinese University of China was also divided into two major factions of members of parliament, schools, schools and alumni representatives.During the period, the Legislative Council held a number of meetings on the reorganization of the board of directors of the Chinese University of China, but Duan Chongzhi was absent many times and was questioned as deliberately evading.

Earlier, Chao Chao, chairman of the board of directors of the Chinese University of China, revealed that he had been overhead when attending the Legislative Council meeting, including many times to obtain the principal's bonus information but not to receive it.The incident caused social uproar, criticizing the school's "no king's management" (not without heaven), and the practice was outrageous.

Unexpectedly, there was a wave of flatness, and waves of waves.At the time of the dispute between the reorganization of the school meeting, the Hong Kong Integrity Office suddenly dispatched last week, searching for a medical center that had been established for five years in the Chinese jurisdiction.Corruption and misappropriation of public funds.The person in charge of the medical center was originally Mrs. Duan Chongzhi Luowena.

From the reflection of the storm to the continued dispute between the principal, and then to the recent reorganization of the reorganization of the board of directors of the University of China, the CUHK has once again fell into a political storm.Hong Kong society has a profound impact.

First of all, in recent years, after many social movements, the vitality has been hurt.After the school, the school was rebuilt the image of China after the reflection storm, but recently the storm revealed that the governance of the major governance has made the public a negative impression, and it also seriously cracks down on university employees' morale.If China University will not reorganize the governance as soon as possible, it will cause the loss of talents and have a deep negative impact on the development of university in the long run.

Secondly, according to the practice, the Independent Office will not publicly investigate targets during the investigation.The ICAC's statement did not say the identity of the subject, but the media immediately reported that the director of the medical center was Duan Chongzhi's wife.This kind of violent approach has caused different political speculation, and people have even extended to worry that the original Inturistic Department, which is worried about the original role, becomes a "political tool."

In the end, most of the funds for the eight -funded universities in Hong Kong come from public funds, but local universities have always inherited Western traditions, paying attention to autonomy of colleges and universities, and university boards are only responsible for supervising and providing opinions.With 7.5 million people in Hong Kong, eight universities can have the forefront in the international ranking for a long time, indicating that Hong Kong's higher education results are outstanding.

In recent years, Hong Kong's society is turbulent, and a large number of young people go to the streets to fight against the streets.It is the long -term consens of university management that many college students rebel and even support Hong Kong independence.Today, the Hong Kong Government hopes that it will gradually recover the power of university's power by rectifying the rectification.But again, there are still many universal university systems in Hong Kong, otherwise it will not become an international education hub.While the Hong Kong government poured sewage, do not pour the babies together.