China Express Giants SF Holdings announced that it will choose to be listed and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Stepping on the company, the company will have rumors of IPO in Hong Kong.

According to the Shanghai Securities Journal report, SF Holdings announced on the evening of Tuesday (August 1) that in orderFor Li, the board of directors agreed to the company's listing on the H -share motherboard.

According to the announcement, SF will choose the appropriate timing and distribution window to complete the listing on the date of the shareholders' meeting for approved or agreed to the extended period.

Announcement shows that the number of H shares issued this time will not exceed 10%of the total share capital of the company after the issuance, which is lower than the shares of more than 15%of companies that will be issued in Hong Kong.According to reports, this shows that SF's purpose of seeking Hong Kong stock marketing is aimed at strategic intent, not just overseas financing.

At present, SF has not disclosed the use of funds for raising funds.Some people in the industry believe that SF's capital operation is only as a strategic capital reserve.They point out that sufficient overseas funds can make SF has more flexibility and response capabilities in the future operations to provide more possibilities for possible future development or market changes.

SF> SF Holdings's previous disclosed semi -annual report of the 2023 report shows that the company is expected to return to the mother's net profit in the first half of the year to reach 4.02 billion to 4.2 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about 740 million to 780 million yuan)The year -on -year increase of 60%to 68%; it is expected that the net profit after deduction is 3.54 billion to 3.74 billion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 65%to 74%, creating the best semi -annual report performance since the 2017 leaning was listed in Shenzhen.

According to the Securities Times, people familiar with the matter reported that Alibaba's rookie will submit an application for listing of Hong Kong stocks in the third quarter of this year; another logistics company Ji Rabbit (JT) has also been in Hong Kong on June 16thThe association submits a listing application.