After the amendment of the Hong Kong election system two years ago, Hong Kong people's interest in the elections greatly reduced. This year, the number of direct registered registered voters in the region fell for two consecutive years, with only 4.32 million. The decline was mainly from young groups.

Some interviewees believe that Hong Kong society is gradually deducting radicals, and the number of voters may decrease in the future.The new district council election will be held in December this year. The voting rate is expected to be lower than the previous.

According to statistics released by the Hong Kong Election Office website on Tuesday (August 1), the number of direct registered registered registered registered voters in the region of temporary voters registered this year fell for two consecutive years, with only 4.329,000, a decrease of 1.88%from last year.Since 2021, the number of direct registration of temporary voters has fallen by more than 140,000.

According to the analysis of the age group, there are only 26,000 voters from 18 to 20 years old this year, more than 52%from 54,000 last year; in 2021, as high as 93,000 voters from 18 to 20 years old,That is, the number of registered voters in the group has fallen sharply in the past two years.

In groups 21 to 25, a large number of voters have been lost.This year, there are only 216,000 people, a decrease of 24,000 compared with last year; the previous year was 268,000, that is, the number of voters in the group has been recorded in two years.Another age group that recorded a significant decline was 36 to 40 years old, with 331,000 people last year, and only 316,000 people this year.

However, there are 1.6133,000 voters at the age of 61 and older, and this year, the increase of about 3.72%from the 1.553,000 people last year.

In terms of functional sectors, this year's temporary voters' registration volume contains about 200,000 voters.In terms of the election committee, the temporary voter registered registered registered volume with about 7,600 voters.Digitals have been calculated by the functional form of new registered voters, voters' conversion registration, and the cancellation list of registration after death or after other investigation procedures.

In addition, in response to the amendment of the new district Council, the constitution has taken effect. A total of 44 district councils in Hong Kong have set up 44 local constituencies.The Hong Kong Election Office called for citizens to check the registration status and information of voters through voters' registration website, including local constituencies in the New District Council.

Reverse information, the number of voters in Hong Kong failed to exceed 4 million before 2019, but before the 2019 district council election, the number of temporary voters registered exceeded 4.13 million.In the general election, the number of voters has increased to 4.467,000.However, in March 2021, the National People's Congress of China passed the decision to improve the Hong Kong election system through the National People's Congress. After tightening all levels of Hong Kong elections, the number of voters began to fall.

At the end of the same year, the first Legislative Council election after the new election system was held in Hong Kong. As a result, only 1.35 million people voted directly in the regional election with a voting rate of 30.2%. It was a record low since Hong Kong had direct elections in 1991.The election results show that the supporter of most democratic schools, Ge Ge, has the election.

Dr. Chen Xiaofeng, Secretary -General of the Hong Kong Law Exchange Foundation, pointed out in the United Morning Post that Hong Kong has always been an economic city, and there are not many people who are keen on politics. However, the number of voters suddenly increased sharply in the past few years.In recent years, the political atmosphere of Hong Kong has tended to be rational, and the number of registered voters has fallen, which is a normal phenomenon.

He believes that the voting rate of the district council election at the end of this year will be lower than the previous session, but for the Hong Kong government, in addition to the voting rate, the official pays more attention to how district councilors can better play the regional influence and serve the region.