A survey shows that more than half of the interviewed Hong Kong students have stopped Facebook, and Instagram has become the most popular platform for young people.

According to the Hong Kong News Agency, the Zhaoli Tide Index visited 709 students in the form of online questionnaires at the end of June this year to learn about their social media habits.Announcement in the evening.

The survey showed that more than half of the students have stopped Facebook, and nearly 40 % of the students said that the number of times the number of Facebooks declined year by year because "prefer to use other social media" and "gradually fewer friends around them gradually fewer friends."And" tired "and so on.Compared with the survey results of the Zunli Tide Index in 2013, the students using Facebook fell sharply from 94%to 48%.

The survey also showed that more than 90 % of the students interviewed used Instagram. Nearly half of the students pointed out that there was no post in the past month.The main purpose of Instagram is the "share life" and "interact with friends".The use rates of Douyin and Xiaohongshu are 19%and 33%, respectively.

Zhang Zhiqiang, director of the Hong Kong Youth Entrepreneur General Chamber of Commerce, believes that the demand for young people in real -time images and film exchanges has increased, resulting in a sharp decline in social platforms such as Facebook and other text -based social platforms.At the same time, the social media ecology has also transformed from Followers to the communication form of Community. In the era of explosion and rapid food culture, the interface of the new social media is inevitable.Pass to the user's eyeballs.