The whale corpse appeared on Monday (July 31) near the waters near Niigozhou, Hong Kong. It was speculated that the Book of Whale, which was foraged in the Saigon waters in mid -July, was suspected to be hit by propellers.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Ming Pao and Dongwang reported that when Saigon fishermen went to sea on Monday morning, a whale was found on the southern sea of Niigoki, Saigon, and floated on the sea.The online video shows that the whale corpse burst and viscera overflowed. In the video, fishermen sighed, "The propeller hit the intestines."

After the police received the report, the team of Ocean Park and the Hong Kong Ocean Park Conservation Fund, together with the Fisheries and Peasant Nursing Department, had gone to the relevant waters and detailed the scene.The conservation agency may take away the whale corpse to understand the cause of its death.

Cheng Shizheng, director of the Hong Kong Ecological Education and Resources Center, pointed out that whale generally jumps up and then falls into the sea, and will not stand still on the body to float on the sea.already dead.

According to reports, since the founding of whales in mid -July, many Hong Kong people went to the sea to pursue whales.However, human close contact can make whales nervous, and may even make them difficult for them to rest and eat, and then hurt, pose a certain threat to their lives.

Ocean Park and Conservation Fund have strongly called on the public not to watch whale watching, and declare that the relevant news will be announced in a timely manner.

It is reported that all whale and dolphin animals are protected by wildlife protection regulations, and irresponsible whale watching behaviors may constitute the crime of intentional interference to be protected by wild animals.It is imprisoned in the year and fined 100,000 Hong Kong dollars (about $ 17,100).

Cheng Shizheng also urged to formulate new guidelines to protect whales. If all vessels are required to turn off the engine outside the whale radius 50 meters.