The Deputy Director of the Hong Kong Police Department (Action) Yuan Xujian will officially rest on August 16th, and it is expected that the police's personnel will be promoted and changed.It is reported that the former director of the Flying Tigers and the assistant director (support) Chen Sida will be the new "one brother" of the Police Public Relations Department.

According to Sing Tao Daily (August 1), sources reported that the current deputy director (management) of the Hong Kong Police Department will be transferred to the deputy director (action) on Monday to fill Yuan Xujian's stay left.The vacancy.Chen Junzhang, the current Director of the Action Division, will be promoted to the Deputy Director (Management), and Chen Dong, the assistant director (public relations), will replace Chen Junzheng as the director of the Action Division.Chen Dong's position was replaced by Chen Sida, the former director of the Flying Tigers and the current assistant director (support), and became the new "one brother" of the Police Public Relations Department.

It was reported earlier that the assistant director (public relations) of the Hong Kong Police Department (public relations) was promoted by the current commander district of the Wan Chai Police District.Liang took over the assistant director (support).

Looking at the roadmap of the Hong Kong Police Force, who serves as the assistant director (public relations), the future of the police force is almost inevitable.Take Chen Dong as an example. Last year, he took over the position and was promoted to the Director of the Action Division in just one year.

Chen Sida graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and was regarded as the star of the police force for tomorrow.He joined the police team in 1997. During the period, he was stationed in the mobile forces, the Ministry of Security, and the special police team (the Flying Tigers).After being promoted, he served as the instructor and special police team of the mobile unit.In 2017, Chen Sida was promoted to senior police prisoners and served as deputy commanders of the Shatian Police District and commander of the airport police district.

In 2019, Chen Sida was promoted to the General Police Department. During the anti -repair example demonstration, he served as commander of the New Territories South Relief Brigade, then served as commander of the Wan Chai Police District, and then took over as the General Police Department of the Support Department (support).In April of this year, he was promoted to the assistant director of the assistant to take charge of the support department.

Chen Sida went to Shanghai Pudong Cadre College, the Australian Police School of Management, the American Asia -Pacific Security Research Center and Cambridge University and other mainland and overseas colleges.He also holds two master's degrees: counseling and application of crime and police research.