Secretary -General Gao Jinhong of Asianan believes that Hong Kong can join the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement (RCEP) in the near future, and says that Asia and Hong Kong are negotiating, hoping to improve the content of the existing free trade agreement and add a new new new newcategory.

The Hong Kong Ming Pao reported on Monday (July 31) that the Chief Executive visited Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia since July 23. During the period, he met with Gao Jinhong to discuss RCEP applications.Consolidating the three countries to support Hong Kong to join RCEP is one of the priorities of this trip.

After Gao Jinhong accepted an interview with Ming Pao in Jakarta, Indonesia said that Asians welcomed Hong Kong to participate in RCEP, but whether Hong Kong can join depends on the consensus of all 15 members of RCEP.

Gao Jinhong also said that the free trade agreement with Hong Kong is one of the core interests of the sub -security, and the expectation agreement can be upgraded.

Hong Kong and Asianian signed a free trade agreement in 2017. It was fully implemented in 2021. The main measures include cutting tariffs on Hong Kong export jewelry, clothing, watch and toys.Let Hong Kong companies enter the market.

Ya'an is the second largest trading partner in Hong Kong. In 2022, the bilateral trade volume was nearly US $ 166 billion (S $ 220.8 billion).