Chen Maobo, director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, said that the estimated number of local GDP announced on Monday (July 31) may be slightly slowed down by the year by annual increase, butThe overall economy is still on the track.

According to the Sing Tao Daily, Chen Maobo published a blog on Sunday that with the resumption of convenient exchanges between Hong Kong and the mainland and the world around the world, local consumption and tourism tourism industry have been the main driving force for economic recovery since this year.Among the "three -headed carriages" that drive economic growth, private consumption is still the main link of supporting growth in the second quarter.

But he pointed out that the export of goods in the "three -headed carriage" still faces quite strict pressure under the weak surrounding environment.After the value of the export of goods in Hong Kong fell 18%year -on -year, it continued to fall 13%year -on -year in the second quarter, and the exports from the mainland, the United States and the European Union were reduced.It also continued to record different degrees of decline.

As for the local fixed investment in another "carriage", after reversing the decline in the first quarter, there have been signs of slowing down recently.Chen Maobo said that due to the influence of interest rate hikes and weak peripheral economic prospects, the second quarter of fixed investment is expected to return.

Chen Maobo said that as the market is expected to be in the market, the asset market will be compressed due to factors such as tightening financial conditions, geopolitics, global and mainland economic situations, and the economic situation of the mainland.He said that the upcoming local GDP is estimated to be estimated in advance. Although the annual growth rate may be slightly slowed down from the first quarter, the overall economy is still on the track. "In fact, the journey of recovery is often merged.Unbeatable, but in the ups and downs, the most important thing is to continue to keep up. "

Chen Maobo concluded that in the case where the peripheral environment is still complex and changing, Hong Kong must be flexibly and actively responded to continuously reinforce the recoveryThe momentum of growth has continuously enhanced the momentum. "With the solid support of the country, with the efforts of the government, all walks of life, and citizens, the economy of Hong Kong will definitely develop more comprehensive, more diverse, and more powerful."