China's e -commerce giant company Jingdong sued the first trial of the "two -choice" case of Alibaba, and won 1 billion yuan (about S $ 187 million).

JD Group issued a victory statement on the official WeChat public account "Jingdong Black Board" on Friday (December 29) to report the above news.In the inquiry of the Securities Times in response to the Securities Times, Alibaba said that the news had been learned and respected the court's judgment.

According to the statement, the Beijing Higher People's Court on Friday (29th) of the "Two Selection" case of Zhejiang Tmall Network Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Tmall Technology Co., Ltd., and Alibaba Group HoldingsIn the first trial, it was determined that its abuse of market dominance to implement the "two -choice one" monopoly behavior, causing serious damage to, and judged to compensate for 1 billion yuan.

The statement said that the judgment was not only a fair ruling for JD's resistance to the "two -choice" monopoly act, but also the iconic moment of maintaining the fair competition in the market in the rule of law.A strong stroke in the process.

Statement pointed out that fair competition is the core of the market economy. Monopoly behaviors such as "two selections" not only limited market competition, harmed the legitimate rights and interests of brands, merchants and consumers, and weakened the market development of the market.Innovation and vitality.

Statement mentioned that from 2017's lawsuit to resist the monopoly of the "two -choice" monopoly, and in 2023, ’s mining of the" super anchor price monopoly "industry hidden rules, has always been a brand and a brand and a brand and a brand and a brand and a brand and a brand and a brand and a brand and a brand andMerchants seek development and compete for low prices for consumers.

The statement emphasized that the judgment greatly inspired to always adhere to the successful business belief of the right path, and will devotement of the high -quality development of the real economy with a stronger confidence.

According to the report proposed by the implementation of the law enforcement inspection team of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on the Implementation of the Anti -Unfair Competition Law 2020, the "two -choice one" is classified as one of the "negative typical typical typical typical competition in the new situation", Specifically refers to" the platform uses the advantageous position and the dependence of the merchant's dependence, adopts unfair means to force the operator to choose one "

According to the Securities Times, sued Tmall, saying that it required that many brands of merchants must not participate in promotions such as 618, Double 11, etc., and do not open stores in Jingdong Mall for operations.The second choice).

The case was once in a dispute over the court's jurisdiction. Tmall proposed that the court of first instance did not exercise its jurisdiction in the case and should be transferred to the Zhejiang Provincial Higher People's Court to jurisdiction.In 2017, the first instance of the Beijing High Court believed that in this case, advocated that Tmall's "two -choice and one" behavior. Based on the characteristics of the network platform, the impact on the market competition order is not limited to Tmall's residence or the defendant's direct behavior, which also covers the first instance.Beijing under the jurisdiction of the court..

In December 2020, the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration of China announced the investigation of monopoly behaviors such as "two selections" in e -commerce giants Alibaba.Behavioral elimination and restricting the competition of the online retail platform service market in China, hindering the free circulation of commodity services and resource elements, affecting the innovation and development of the platform economy, infringing the legitimate rights and interests of merchants in the platform, harming consumer interests, violating antitrust monopolyLaw.

The State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration of China made a penalty decision on Alibaba in April 2021 according to law, ordered Alibaba to stop illegal acts and set up its domestic sales of 455.712 billion yuan in 2019 4%%The fine is 18.228 billion yuan.