The Communist Party of China has revised the regulations for discipline discipline and disciplinary sanctions again after six years, and has expanded the scope and punishment of party members' violations.According to the analysis of scholars, in the context of changes in party and government relations, the promulgation of the new regulations may not be beneficial to the restoration of the outside world's confidence in China's economic prospects.

According to the Xinhua News Agency on Wednesday (December 27), the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China recently issued a revised version of the Chinese government disciplinary regulations and issued notifications to be implemented by localities.The notice pointed out that the new regulations have further strictly strictly made political discipline and political rules, and the stronger signal of the more discipline will be released.

The CCP's last revision of the disciplinary regulations of party members was in 2018.This revision will be added on the basis of the original 142 articles, which will be implemented from January 1 next year.

New regulations stipulate, read, browse, listen to the party's central government policy, ugly party and state image, slander the party and state leaders, etc. If the circumstances are serious, the circumstances will be given warning, serious warning or revoking the partyDisciplinary internal.

According to the previous regulations, party members were given the above sanctions only when they entered the country when they were produced, sold, disseminated, or carried the above publications.

Among officials recently investigated by the Communist Party of China, there are already such cases.The former vice chairman of the Zhejiang Provincial Political Consultative Conference, who was "double -opening" (expels the party and public office last month, was officially announced in the official announcement.There are also questions about privately and read illegal books.

In addition, the new regulations have stipulated for the first time that violates national financial and economic discipline. It is the most serious to expel party membership in financial activities such as public capital's income and expenditure, tax management, state -owned asset management, government procurement management, and financial management.

The new regulations also stipulate for the first time that party members have severely corrupted the party's image behavior, such as rampant or drug abuse, and should be expelled from the party.

The new regulations have also been included in the relevant provisions of "political scammers" for the first time. It is clear that party members to associate with political scammers or are used by political scammers and serve as political scammers.

Chinese officials have proposed political scammers who have strictly hit "backgrounds" in January this year.Fu Zhenghua, who had been opened in March last year, was the executive deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security and the Minister of Justice, was deceived by political scammers for up to 20 years.

The new regulations also increase the relevant provisions of the political concept. The dislocation of party members' performance and departure from high -quality development requirements will cause major losses to the country and the most serious can be expelled from the party. The regulations also mention that "image engineering" and ""Political projects" can be punished from heavy or aggravated.

The new regulations have also expanded punishment related to party members.In violation of regulations, the most serious punishment is to be expelled from the party's citizenship due to private existence documents or not being approved to go abroad.The regulations also increase the content: Although it is approved to go abroad due to privately, there is an unauthorized change in the route and the excessive reasons of the existence of unauthorized reasons.

In addition, the new revised regulations also increase the relevant punishment for acts such as influence on profit, statistical fraud, violations of local institutions, and gifts in disguise in the name of lecture fees after the departure of party members' departure or retirement.

Lu Xi, assistant professor of the School of Public Policy of the National University of Singapore, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Communist Party of China began to re -emphasize the revolutionary of the party and the purity of party members, but the new regulations showed signs that exceeded the scope of this requirement.

Lu Xi said that in the context of changes in party and government relations, the promulgation of the new regulations may not be beneficial to the restoration of the outside world's confidence in China's economic prospects."Observer must realize that the legitimacy of the CCP has undergone fundamental changes, and new logic must be adopted when judging Chinese affairs."