From the fake singing to the cloud to the political vortex of the first middle school, the well -known Taiwan rock band "Mayday" on both sides of the strait is watery in just one month.The time point is exactly the sensitive period of the countdown in the Taiwan election.

Reuters reported on Thursday (December 28) that the State Administration of Radio and Television of Mainland China pressure Mayday, before the Taiwan election, expressed support for the pro -land remarks of "Taiwan is part of China".Mayday refused, and the mainland announced the investigation on the Mayday Shanghai Concert's suspected fake singing incident.

Reuters's above -mentioned reports are attractive, because it will be tied to one of the seemingly unrelated Mayday "suspected fake singing" and "being pressed and published".Another example.

The source quoted by Reuters is "not known as Taiwan Guoan officials" and the "related internal memorandum" seen by Reuters.This memorandum is from December, quoting the emotional capital of mainland government activities collected by Taiwan.

A spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China immediately responded in the form of answers to reporters on the same day, saying that Reuters' reports were "upright fake news", "it is completely nothing."A spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council also referred to the documents of relevant Taiwan's relevant agencies, stating that "the DPP official is intentionally creating rumors, which is a sinister and vicious political manipulation."

Mayday and its brokerage companies have not been involved in the political storm, making the "suspected selection" and "suspected fake singing" incidents become more confusing.

Green camp politicians have accused Beijing of trying to get involved in the Taiwan election, and the Blue Camp convened a press conference to call on the source of the news and which unit provided by the information, and said that if only the vague words were brought by the sources,Cooperate with specific political forces to promote cognitive operations. "

Mayday debuted in the late 1990s, and was popular in Taiwan.If Beijing thinks that Mayday is a political statement, it can be a momentum for the Blue Camp. You can only blame himself to do not think about, and the operation method is awkward.If the Green Camp deliberately falsifies May Tian into the political vortex on both sides of the strait, it is a high -risk stupid trick. Once you are recognized, it will only cause the back seat to rebound and self -injury.

The Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang's position in this incident are converging, which refers to the Democratic Progressive Party that is suspected of "being a thief called a thief".

The most embarrassing is the Shanghai Cultural Tourism Bureau responsible for investigating the suspected fake singing incident.After a month, there was no result, saying that "cannot be easily concluded."At this point, the results of the incident are afraid that the results of the outlet will cause cross -strait netizens and fans to attack, and at the same time become a political drooling topic for the offensive and defense of various political parties in Taiwan.

In accordance with mainland China regulations, if they sing in front of the audience, they can be fined RMB 100,000 (S $ 18,600). Artists may be banned, but the regulations are actually rarely implemented.

This is believed to be the first time in Mayday that he was involved in the cross -strait political vortex.These five groups have always been cautious, and they have not made public political remarks. They also know how to take into account the feelings of fans on both sides of the strait.The Weibo account of the lead singer Axin has posted a concern for Henan floods and the Sichuan earthquake disaster. Mayday reported that it also refused to perform on the Spring Festival Gala of CCTV in the Spring Festival Gala.

On the eve of the 2016 Taiwan election, Taiwanese artist Zhou Ziyu released the emotions of the mainland netizens for anti -Taiwan independence in the red flag of the sky, and released an apology video on the eve of the voting, saying "I am Chinese".The DPP's Cai Yingwen eventually won in the election, and some analysts said that the Zhou Ziyu incident took about 10 % of Tsai Ing -wen.

Will the Mayday incident repeat the incident of Zhou Ziyu?

From time to time, there are still two weeks before the voting. The lethality of the Mayday incident still has room for corporation, and even the incident may be fermented for a few days.However, if the last important juncture before the election, the related incidents will reveal the news that is not good for any political camp, and the election is very stuck, it will not rule out that it will affect the trend of young Taiwanese votes, so that the final election results will be.