Wei Dong, director of the Private Economic Development Bureau of the National Development and Reform Commission of China, said that it will fall down from the system and legal perspective.Essence

According to the People's Daily reported on Saturday (December 30), the recently held CPC Central Committee Economic Work Conference emphasized "expanding investment" and "promoting the development and growth of private enterprises".In the question of further boosting the development confidence of private enterprises, "said that it will guide private enterprises to actively aggressive in terms of transfer methods, structure, quality, and increasing efficiency, and further give full play to the stable growth of the private economy, promoting innovation, increasing employment, improving employment, improving employment, improving employment, improving employment, improving employment, improvingThe role of people's livelihood and other aspects.

Specifically, Wei Dong said that one is to grasp the implementation, and the requirements for the general treatment of state -owned enterprises and private enterprises in the system and law.Efforts will be made to build a legal and institutional guarantee system that promotes the development of the private economy, earnestly guarantees that the various ownership economies are equal to obtain market access in accordance with the law, publicly and fair participation in market competition, equal use of production factors, and being protected by law.

The second is an excellent atmosphere, creating a good environment to encourage and support the development of the private economy in terms of policies and public opinion.Support private enterprises to carry out key core technologies, undertake major national scientific and technological projects; actively participate in global division of industrial division of labor and resource allocation, and enhance core competitiveness; participate in major strategies and play a more important role in the process of modern Chinese -style modernization.At the same time, it is necessary to promote the promotion of "Jinjiang experience" and try to create a good atmosphere of public opinion to promote the development of the private economy.

Third is to solve problems and coordinate the problem of restricting the development of the private economy from the case and the overall case.Persist in solving specific problems for private enterprises with the spirit of nailing and dating.Study and prepare the development index of the private economy, and strengthen the monitoring and analysis and judgment of the development of the private economy.

For how to implement the "expanding investment", Luo Guosan, director of the Fixed Asset Investment Department of the China Development and Reform Commission, replied that the investment work next year will focus on promoting regional coordinated development, rural revitalization, new urbanization, science and education, etc.Strategic implementation, reasonably grasp the direction of investment, scientifically carry out project decision -making, and ensure that investment forms a high -quality supply.At the same time, focus on high -quality projects to do a good job in the project, strengthen the protection of elements such as land, environmental assessment, and energy use, accelerate the construction of project construction, and promote the formation of physical workload as soon as possible.

Specifically, the first is to accelerate the construction of projects in key areas around strong foundations, increase energy, benefit people's livelihood, and promote consumption.The second is to make good use of government investment in issuing government bonds, central budget investment, and local government bonds, etc., to effectively play a driving magnifying effect.The third is to focus on strengthening service guarantees and strive to mobilize the enthusiasm of private investment.

For how to expand the high level of opening up and consolidate the basic inventory of foreign trade and foreign capital, the China Development and Reform Commission uses the foreign investment and overseas investment department Zheng Zhiping to expand the high level of opening to the outside world.Challenges such as sexual and uncertainty, we must also see valuable opportunities such as the comparison of international forces, a new round of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and the in -depth development of the industrial revolution, and the vigorous development of the digital economy.In the next step, we will overcome challenges, seize opportunities, and focus on the following work.

First, to solidly promote the construction of a higher -level open -type economic system.Focusing on institutional opening, focusing on deepening the reform of institutional mechanisms in key areas such as investment, trade, finance, and innovation, and actively improve the level of opening up.

The second is to improve the quality of foreign capital and stabilize the basic market for foreign capital.Promote the introduction of a package of policies and measures to attract more efforts to attract foreign investment, and solve the problem of blocking points facing the current foreign investment in China.Comprehensively cancel the restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing industry, continue to promote the expansion of the service industry, and provide a broader space for foreign investment in China.Continue to create a first -class business environment in marketization, rule of law, and internationalization, promote the implementation of equal treatment of foreign enterprises in terms of government procurement, bidding, standard formulation, etc., and plant the soil of foreign -funded enterprises to deeply cultivate the soil of the Chinese market.

Third is to promote high -level "going global" and enhance the ability to participate in the international cycle.Continue to lead the "Belt and Road" as a high -quality "Belt and Road", focus on creating high -quality iconic projects and promoting "small and beautiful" projects, in -depth infrastructure interconnection, international capacity and investment cooperation, third -party market cooperation, complementary advantages, complementary advantages, complementary advantages, complementary advantages, complementary advantages, complementary advantages, complementary advantages, complementary advantages, complementarity,Mutual and win -win, make the results of cooperation better benefit people from all countries, and make greater contributions to promoting the recovery of the world economy and global development and prosperity.