Chinese President Xi Jinping met the Chinese ambassador abroad, saying that the ambassador abroad should "dare to fight good at struggle" and be defenders of national interests, and safeguard national sovereignty and security with "determined will not be afraid of power"., Development benefits.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Xi Jinping received a speech and delivered a speech on Friday (December 29) to participate in the entire envoy of the 2023rd ambassador work conference.

Xi Jinping said that in the past few years, the crown disease epidemic has spread, and external forces have continued to upgrade to China for curbing, and brought special challenges to diplomatic work. On behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of ChinaPersonalized condolences.

He mentioned that the diplomacy of major powers with Chinese characteristics will enter a new stage that can be more available.The just -held Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference analyzed the international situation and external environment of the current and future periods, and clarified the direction of external work goals, guidance principles, strategic deployment, and basic tasks.

Xi Jinping put forward four requirements to the ambassador abroad. First, keep in mind the original mission and be a loyalty to the party.We must always take accuracy and correct political direction, deeply lead the highest interests of the party and the country, and understand the implementation of the central government's foreign policy and policies.

Second, strengthen the responsibility, and be entrepreneurs who are brave.He asked to learn from the envoy abroad to understand the diplomatic thinking of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. We must be good at making friends and friends, and to strive for people's hearts to achieve both temples and in -depth people;Good Chinese story, let the world better understand China in the new era.

Third, the defender who dares to be good at struggling and be a national interest.In order to strengthen confidence and confidence, maintain a strategic sober, the bottom line of thinking, and use the arrow's preparation posture and the determined will to be afraid of power, and resolutely safeguard the national sovereignty, security, and development benefits.It is necessary to make good use of multilateral mechanisms and rules, and to strive for the international community's understanding and support.

Fourth, adhere to the self -revolution, and be a promoter who comprehensively and strictly govern the party.Xi Jinping emphasized that the ambassador abroad must always focus on self -provincial police and self -inspiration, to be a clear political belief, and strictly observe the discipline.We must adhere to strengthening the discipline of the righteousness with a strict tone, and build a diplomatic iron army that is loyal, courageous, dare to fight well, and strict discipline.

Earlier, the CPC Central Committee's Foreign Affairs Work Conference was held on Wednesday (December 27) in Beijing. Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the meeting and made a comprehensive deployment of foreign work in China and the future.

The meeting pointed out that China has experienced a lot of storms in foreign work in the past 10 years, defeating various difficulties and challenges, emphasizing that it is necessary to carry forward the spirit of struggle and resolutely oppose all power politics and bullying.