The CCP's high -level officials held a Central Foreign Affairs Working Conference again after five years, pointing out that China has experienced a lot of storms in foreign work in the past 10 years, defeating various difficulties and challenges.The interpretation of some foreign media was interpreted by some foreign media in the way of tit -not -name.

Scholars of interviewed scholars analyzed that in the face of the United States' meeting with Sino -US dollar San Francisco, they continued to curb in China. Beijing's latest expression is more objectively reflecting the current status of Sino -US relations, but it has not deliberately opposed the United States.

The CPC Central Committee's Foreign Affairs Work Conference was held on Wednesday (December 27) in Beijing. Two days of the session, Han Zheng, a member of the Seven Standing Committee of the Politburo and vice chairman of China, attended all.The official Chinese chairman of China delivered a speech and made a comprehensive deployment of foreign work in China and the future.The first Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference was held in 2006, and then held in 2014 and 2018, respectively.

The meeting believes that China ’s diplomatic strategy autonomy and initiative in the past 10 years have been significantly enhanced, creating a new situation of diplomatic diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, and has become a responsible responsibility for“ international influence, innovation leadership, and morality.Big Country.

The meeting requested to stand firm, firmly occupy the high point of the international moral system, and unite to strive for the majority of the world; carry forward the spirit of struggle, and resolutely oppose all power politics and bullying.

Zhu Feng, Executive Dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, judged in an interview with the United Morning Post that the Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference this week generally issued a more positive and optimistic and pragmatic tone, and then emphasized the development of the spirit of struggle and opposing power politics.The United States or the current Sino -US relations.

But Zhu Feng also pointed out that after the San Francisco meeting, the U.S. scientific and technological war against China and the containment of geopolitics and geographical economy did not relax.Objective reflection. "

Although China and the United States resumed interrupted military high -level dialogue last week, the relationship between the two countries continued.The Chinese military criticized the United States on Thursday (December 28) to manipulate Taiwan's issue is a very dangerous "betting" behavior, and accused them of encouraging the Philippines to infringe and threatened China.

The tension of China and the Philippines in the South China Sea this year continued to upgrade.Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi responded to the Philippine Foreign Minister Manlo on December 20 to warn the Philippines if they counted with each other with unwilling external forces and continued their troubles. China will definitely protect their rights and resolutely respond.

The US Foreign Minister called on Thursday to discuss the continuous tension of the South China Sea.In the call, US Secretary of State Brills emphasized that the United States had a "firm commitment" to the Philippines under the US -Philippine Defense Treaty.

Zhu Feng analyzed that although the tension of the Renai Reef Reef (Ayunjin Reef) in the Nansha Islands in the Nansha Islands cannot be eliminated in the short term, this week's Central Foreign Affairs Working Conference also emphasized that China ’s international influence should be made to make China's international influence.The appeal and shaping to the new height have been increased, indicating that Beijing does not want to see the long -term sharpness of the conflict of conflict, including the China -Philippines in the Renai Reef, and the expected situation will not further get out of control.

On the other hand, Chinese official Tuesday (December 26) delivered a speech at the seminar commemorating the 130th anniversary of Mao Zedong's birthday, saying that it is necessary to promote the construction of a community of human destiny and emphasize that China's development is the growth of world peace.Do not dominate and never expand.

This week's Central Foreign Affairs Working Conference believes that in the future, diplomacy with great nationalities with Chinese characteristics will enter the "new stage that can be more actions".The community of human destiny is the main line, creating a new situation of diplomatic diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.

Zhu Feng analyzed, which shows that China may increase the development of countries and global southern countries next year, and use multilateral mechanisms such as the BRICS mechanism to enhance China's international influence, but this does not mean that Beijing will start another stove to start another stove., Opposite to the United States.

He studied and judged that the overall expression of the CCP's high -level work this week reflects the total volume of the total tone of China's diplomatic work next year. I hope to play a better Chinese role in international affairs.External expansion will not output ideas.