China Real Estate Enterprise R & F Real Estate issued an announcement on the evening of Friday (December 29). From now on, the company's co -founder, chief executive officer and director of directors resigned.

Announcement stated that the reason for the resignation of tension is "more time and energy to put more time on other affairs."The tension has confirmed that there is no disagreement with the company's board of directors, and there is no other matter about the resignation of their resignation directors and the company's chief executive officer.

Zhang Li was born in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province in 1953, and was born in Zhujiang Village, Guangzhou.Zhang Li began to participate in the real estate industry in 1993. He joined forces Li Silian, a wealthy businessman in Hong Kong, and founded the R & F Group in Guangzhou to build the company as one of the representative housing companies in the South China Real Estate Circle.

In February 2010, the tension was selected as Forbes Global Billionaires, ranking 556th.In 2013, the list of new wealth China ranked 15th with 22.3 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 4.16 billion).

The tension was arrested in the UK at the end of last year.The R & F Group issued a statement late at night on December 12, confirming the report of the arrest, and said that Zhang Li was accused of bribery because he was invited to invite the former public institutional department of San Francisco in China and provided hotel accommodation for him.Law action.

In July this year, R & F Real Estate said that it had signed a suspension of prosecution agreement with the Prosecutor's Office of the North District of California, and allegations against tension would be revoked.

Zhang Li Tongyue and Li Silian attended the opening ceremony of the Guangzhou R & F Hospital. This is also the first time that Zhang Li returned to China.

On the cold winter of China, R & F Real Estate is also facing debt pressure.R & F Real Estate's domestic and overseas debts have been exhibited at all.

According to the fiscal year of R & F Real Estate, from January to June 2023, the company realized a turnover of 16.42 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 7.68%; the net loss of home mother was 5.109 billion yuan, an increase of 26.17%year -on -year.As of June 30 this year, the company's assets were 361.6 billion yuan, and the total liabilities were 300.1 billion yuan.

According to R & F Real Estate's 2022 annual report, the net loss returned to the mother in 2022 was 15.74 billion yuan; in 2021 in the previous reporting period, the net loss of home mother was 16.47 billion yuan, and two and a half years from 2021 to mid -2023R & F Real Estate's cumulative losses reached 37.3 billion yuan.