The three exchanges of the Shanghai and Shenzhen North and Shenzhen North China announced next New Year's Eve (February 9, 2024), indicating that this is to be close to trading habits and conforms to market voices.

Comprehensive Securities Times China Securities Journal reported that the Shanghai -Shenzhen -North Stock Exchange announced on Tuesday (December 26) to announce some holidays in 2024. Among them, from February 9th (Friday) to February 17 (Saturday, Saturday (Saturday, Saturday (Saturday)) The market will open as usual on February 19 (Monday).In addition, February 4 (Sunday) and February 18 (Sunday) are closed on weekends.

The person in charge of the relevant departments of the China Securities Regulatory Commission said that the CSRC organized a special study on the stock exchange, the futures exchange, and the Chinese settlement.Wait for the market to rest at the same time.In addition to the policy orientation of encouraging New Year's Eve holidays, this arrangement is also to get close to investor trading habits.

The person in charge explained that from the past many years, during the 12 Spring Festival holidays from 2012 to 2023, there were eight on New Year's Eve on Monday to Friday.There was no rest in New Year's Eve in 2014, but the transaction amount and the number of participating accounts participating in the transaction accounts in the Shanghai and Shenzhen cities in the Shanghai and Shenzhen cities in 2014 declined significantly. It shows that investor habits are having to rest on New Year's Eve, and their willingness to invest is generally not high.

The person in charge also mentioned that arranging the market for New Year's Eve is to follow the market call.Judging from the early surveys, the market is generally inclined to rest, especially individual investors generally hope to be able to rest and reunite with their families on New Year's Eve.At the same time, securities and futures operating agencies need to complete daily operations such as data processing, liquidation, settlement, and system maintenance after the break. Industry institutions generally hope that it can be closed on New Year's Eve.

The State Council of China announced in October this year that no fake New Year's Eve was fake, attracting many netizens.Subsequently, the National Development and Reform Commission of China issued a document to encourage all units and institutions to flexibly arrange them according to the actual situation, including having to rest and encourage the implementation of salary annual leave.

The General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council also issued a notice on the work of the New Year's Day of 2024, encouraging all units to implement the implementation of the annual leave of salaries and arranged employees to rest on New Year's Eve.

In this regard, Hu Xi, the former editor -in -chief of the Global Times, posted a post on Weibo on Tuesday, calling on all countries and private enterprises to respond to the call to arrange New Year's Eve next year as actual holidays."It's time to take this long vacation and too lively, it will become a precedent in the future until it is officially fixed."