Hu Zhongming, the former chief of the Chinese Navy, promoted his general on Monday (December 25), and made his debut as a naval commander for the first time, which means that he has replaced Dong Jun, who has been served as a naval commander for more than two years, and took over the handling of his hand.Chinese Navy.

Analysts pointed out that as the situation in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea continued to be tension, China replaced the Supreme Commander of the Navy and switched to Hu Zhongming, who was experienced in the sea, and aimed at placing the generals who could fight in important positions.

The Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China held the fourth time in Beijing on Monday in Beijing. The Chinese Military Commission's chairman of the Chinese officials promoted the leader of the PLA's rank of General PLA.

The 59 -year -old Hu Zhongming is a member of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. He is from Qingdao, Shandong. He has been serving in the navy for 44 years and has been serving in the Navy for a long time.He has completed the full training of conventional submarine chiefs, qualified training for the captain of the destroyer, and full subject training of a new type of submarine chief, and has the experience of controlling the three ships (conventional submarines, new nuclear submarines, and missile destroyers).

Hu Zhongming participated in the first global sailing of the Chinese Navy in 2002 and participated in major exercises and exercise tasks many times; in July 2013, he served as commander of the second base of the Navy submarine and promoted Major General of the Navy after a year.

Hu Zhongming was promoted to the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Navy in May 2016; Lieutenant General of the Navy in December 2019, in January 2020, the deputy commander of the northern theater and the northern war zone navy commander appeared.He was transferred to the Navy Chief of Staff in December 2021 until the new.

This year, China and Philippine have continued to upgrade in the South China Sea.Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi called on December 20 with the Philippine Foreign Minister Manlo, warning that if the Philippines misjudged the situation, he was lonely, and even coupled with the disobedient external forces.And resolutely respond.

Chinese military analysts who do not want to be named to Lianhe Morning Post pointed out that Hu Zhongming, who was experienced in the sea with a rich experience in the sea and a former navy's new submarine chief, was in charge of the navy and may release military signals.

The person analyzed that the surrounding coastal situations including the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea continued to be turbulent.If you come to fight, the battle will win.

On the other hand, CCTV News Broadcasting shows that Dong Jun, who was originally a naval commander, also participated in the promotion of generals on Monday, and sat in the first row of the council.However, the official has not notified Dong Jun's next whereabouts, which has aroused the attention of the outside world.

The 62 -year -old Dong Jun is also a member of the 20th Central Committee and has not reached the age of retirement.He was former deputy commander of the East China Sea fleet, deputy commander of the southern theater, and deputy commander of the Navy; he was promoted to the Navy Commander in August 2021 and officially won the rank of general in September.

After Li Shangfu was removed from office in October this year, the position of Chinese defense was suspended so far. At present, the military executives must also fill the vacancies of the CPC Central Military Commission members left by Li Shangfu.

Wang Wenquan (61 years old) of the former political commissar of the Central Military Commission Lianqi Diligence Force is the 20th Central Committee of the Central Committee. He promoted his general on Monday and replaced Wang Jianwu, who was already 65 years old and served as a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in March this year.