Lai Qingde, the presidential candidate of the DPP governed by Taiwan, critThe Kuomintang hugs the "one China" goddess and black gold. In order to obtain the regime, if the Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi is elected, it is equivalent to the "one middle forces" and the black gold dynasty class.

Comprehensive reports from Taiwan Yiping News Network, Central News Agency, and reports, Lai Qingde on Tuesday (December 26) at the second TV political opinion presentation meeting, the Kuomintang will bring three major calamities to Taiwan, including death, including death, including death, including death, including death, including death, including death, including death, including death, including death, including death, including death, including death, including death, including death, including death, including death, including death, including deathHolding the "one China" God's Lord, causing Taiwan to identify differences; black gold does not change, harm the value of democracy, and affects social stability. In order to obtain regime, it has no choice but to obtain mainland China.

Lai Qingde criticized that the Kuomintang used to fight the Communist Party in the past and had guarded the "Republic of China" and Taiwan.However, it is opposed to military purchase cases and national defense autonomy, and also supports the 1992 consensus under the first system of mainland China. There is no room for the existence of the "Republic of China" at all.The Kuomintang also advocates restarting service trade, so that the Taiwan economy depends more on the mainland, and ignores how much Taiwan society will suffer.

He said that whenever mainland China threatens Taiwan, the Kuomintang headed by former President Ma Ying -jeou has continuously criticized the Taiwan government to take the initiative to provoke."I want the people in the country to evaluate the law, is the Kuomintang be worthy of the (Jiang) Jingguo? Is it worthy of the land that raises it? Is it worthy of the majority of Taiwanese people?"

Lai Qingde also said, the Kuomintang also said, the KuomintangThe black gold constitution has not changed at all after 2000, and still holds the new store's home, Taichung Yanjia, Yunlin Zhang family, and Hualien Fu family."Cow Ghost Snake God"."Under such circumstances, what kind of situation would it be to give the country to them?"

Finally, Lai Qingde also attacked the Kuomintang to obtain regime.The library, the officials and business collusion, seek improper interests to consolidate the regime.Today, the Kuomintang has also stood up to the Chinese mainland for self -respect. Whether it is a great propagand of war and peace, or the Kuomintang vice presidential candidate Zhao Shaokang said that he is a terrorist of peace.Get the regime.

Lai Qingde also mentioned that Hou Youyi is like an outsider, a foreigner in politics, and the policies or discussions proposed are all the claims of Ma Ying -jeou and others, so Hou Youyi was elected equivalent to "the restoration of the forces in one middle, the restoration,It is equivalent to the back of the black gold dynasty. It is absolutely not good for the future development of Taiwan and the country. "

Hou Youyi bombarded the DPP in governing the Democratic Progressive Party in his speech so that the fraud cases soared, making Taiwan a "island of fraud."Hou Youyi also proposed the political opinion of "three arrows of public security", vowed to fight fraud, sweep drugs, guns, and remove violence, and to imitate the Japanese control gangsters to effectively reduce the crime rate.

Hou Youyi also questioned that the DPP has many cases of corruption and love for wealth, and have been described as "Peach Blossom Party" by the folk.He was elected to implement the prevention and control of sexual harassment, and strictly required officials of officials. "Fortune and color are the two major disciplines I attach great importance to. I absolutely tolerate."