(Beijing Comprehensive News) On the occasion of the 45th anniversary of China's reform and opening up, Caixin Weekly published on Monday (December 25), which was published by the editorial entitled to relive the truth."Face the real problem, can solve the real problem."The editorial has triggered widespread discussion on the Internet platform in China and foreign countries, and was deleted on the day of its release.

Caixin's official website shows that "the page does not exist or has been deleted." Caixin Weibo, WeChat public account and other social media platforms have also withdrawn related content.

The total length of the society is 2022 words. Firstly, I used half of the case to review the background of the ideological route, and cited the words of Chinese late leader Deng Xiaoping.The discussion of truth is that the ideological route has laid the foundation of China's economic take -off.

The second half of the article is transferred to the present with four rows of ratio. Only by writing, only by continuing to persist in seeking truth from facts can we solve the real problems encountered in the reform, further emancipate ideas, timely correct some improper policies in time, and respond to endless external challenges.

After the release of the editorial, it has aroused heated discussion among Chinese netizens.Some people say that in the current space of public opinion, such the editorial is "valuable"; some netizens believe that "this is actually some basic truth."

The article was reposted in large quantities: "During the" Cultural Revolution 'period, the national economy was on the verge of collapse, but the official still insisted that the situation was good', and 'better and better'.The gap between developed countries is getting bigger and bigger, and it is far behind by the surrounding countries and regions that are taking off.

Before the Caixin Society was withdrawn, many financial and economic Vs had been banned and Weibo asked bloggers not to make decline in economic remarks.At the Economic Working Conference of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China from the 11th to 12th from December 12th to 12th, the official also clearly stated that it would strengthen economic propaganda and public opinion guidance, and "sing the theory of light of the Chinese economy."

The social reforms published by Caixin last month urgently needed to make new breakthroughs and also mentioned reforms, and quoted what China's late Prime Minister Li Keqiang said, "the Yangtze River and Yellow River will not flow backwards".Pass down.