The first trial of the engagement rape in Datong City, Shanxi Province, China was sentenced, and the defendant Xi Moumou was sentenced to three years.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the People's Court of Yanggao County, Datong City, Shanxi Province publicly sentenced a rape in accordance with the law on Monday (December 25).Three years in prison.

After hearing the court, it was found that on January 30 this year, Xi Moumou and the victim were introduced by a local wedding agency.The two sides had a marriage contract on May 1.On the afternoon of May 2nd, in the house in a community in Yanggao County, Xi Moumou ignored the victim's resistance and forcibly had a sexual relationship with the victim.The victim called the police that night.

Investigate and obtain evidence by the Public Security Bureau of Yanggao County, and took criminal detention measures to Xi Moumou on May 5.On June 27, the People's Procuratorate of Yanggao County accused Xi Moumou of rape and filed a public prosecution to the Yanggao County People's Court.Because the case involved personal privacy, the Yanggao County People's Court did not open the trial in accordance with the law.

The court of first instance believes that Xi Moumou violated the victim's will and forcibly had sexual relations with the victim.Three years in prison.After the sentence, Xi Moumou refused to accept and appealed.

After verification by relevant departments, Xi Moumou did not register to get married in the civil affairs department.The engagement behavior of the two sides belongs to folk customs and is not a legal registration.Earlier, the "cheating marriage", "rape for extortion", "the fourth day after the engagement relationship, the girl accused the rape of the rape", "the two parties were the relationship between the cohabitation", "the victim had a history of marriage", "the victim gave 30,000 yuan to the marriage agency"Introduction fees" and other rumors are unprepared information.