After the new online game supervision of China's official drafted online game stocks caused a huge shock, the eight game manufacturers repurchased or increased their shareholding of over 500 million yuan (the same below, the same, about 95 million S $ 95 million), Try to enhance investor confidence.

Comprehensive Surging News and Securities Times reported that as of Monday (December 25), the Perfect World, Gibi, Sanqi Interactive Entertainment, Giant Network, Chinese Media, Electronic Network, Kaiying NetworkEight game A -share manufacturers such as Xinghui Entertainment announced the repurchase or increase of their own shares, and the amount to be repurchased and increased by more than 530 million yuan.Among them, the seven companies participating in shares repurchase were about 430 million yuan to 860 million yuan.

The shares repurchased by Giant Network, Perfect World, Giant Network, Gibigt, etc. are mainly used for equity incentives or employee shareholding plans, and Sanqi Mutual Entertainment is used to cancel and reduce registered capital.Because the willingness and effect of investing in investors are more obvious, repurchase for the purpose of cancellation is the most popular repurchase method.

In response to the reasons for repurchase shares, most companies pointed out in the announcement that they are optimistic about the company's prospects and restore confidence in the market.The Perfect World announced that repurchase shares are based on "confidence in the future development prospects of the company and a high recognition of the company's value" in order to "to protect the interests of investors and enhance investor confidence."

The National Press and Publication Agency of China announced the draft of online game management measures on Friday (December 22) and publicly solicited opinions. It stipulates that online games must not set up daily login, first recharge, continuous recharge and other induction rewards.It also stipulates that all online games must set the user recharge limit; online game live broadcasts must not have high rewards, minors rewards, etc.

After the draft was announced, the Chinese game stocks listed in mainland China and Hong Kong fell sharply. Among them, the game giant Tencent fell to the total market value of Xiaomi a day.The decline lasted until Monday, and the Giant Network and Kaiying Network fell on the limit after the 22nd.

Ge Weidong, chairman of Shanghai Chaos Investment Corporation, also posted on WeChat friends in the WeChat circle of friends on Friday: "Save the city here, there is a city over there" "Can this business environment still survive and invest! Why?Can't create a loose business environment. Minor restrictions are reasonable, what happened to adults spending their own money to play games! "As far as the world is peaceful.Based on the opinions of relevant departments, enterprises, users and other parties, further modify and improve. "The Department also announced on Monday that 105 domestic games were approved in December, and the number of rejuvenates throughout the year was doubled compared to last year.