Aimed at Heilongjiang Province recently occurred in the "11.28" major gas explosion accident and Ji XiMunicipal Kunyuan Coal Mine "12 · 20" major transportation accident , the Office of the Security Committee of the State Council on Monday (December 25) interviewed the Heilongjiang Provincial People's Government.

According to the Xinhua News Agency, Wang Xiangxi, deputy director of the State Council of the State Council and Minister of Emergency Management, emphasized that it is necessaryTurn the passive situation of frequent occurrences of major accidents in Heilongjiang Province as soon as possible.

Interviews pointed out that since this year, the safety production situation in Heilongjiang Province has been extremely severe and complicated, and there have been three major accidents and 17 major accidents.Especially since the end of November, the "11 · 28" major gas explosion accident in Shuangyang Coal Mine in Shuangyashan City, and two major accidents in major transportation accidents in Kunyuan Coal Mine in Jixi City, causing 11 people and 12 people to be killed, and they were killed, and they were killed, and they were killed, and they were killed, and they were killed, and they were killed, and they were killed, and they were killed, and they were killed, and they were killed, and they were killed, and they were killed, and they were killed.There is a problem of concealment.

The interview stated that the above accidents revealed that the local lesson was not profound, the spirit of struggle was insufficient, the corporate legal awareness was weak, the accidents reported that the accident repeatedly banned the accident, and the security licenses were losing down, the regulatory law enforcement was "loose and soft".The hidden danger investigation floating on the surface and other formalism issues are prominent.

The interview emphasized that Heilongjiang Province should earnestly take responsibility for major political responsibilities of overall development and security, urge all departments and various enterprises to fully implement the implementation of safety production responsibility measures, resolutely curb heavy accidents, stabilize the stabilityControl the province's safety production situation.It is necessary to implement the "people's supremacy and life first" into the actual actions of strengthening safety production, adhere to the sinking of the eyes down and the power, and grasp the safety production work with the sense of responsibility of "constant reassuring".It is necessary to quickly carry out a full -covered coal mine safety production warning education activity, and vigorously promote the safety rectification of the mining industry.

At the same time, according to the investigation and supervision of major accidents, the Safety Committee decided to investigate and deal with the "12 · 20" major transportation accidents in Kunyuan Coal Mine in Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province.