Henan chess player Yan Chenglong, who won the championship in the Chinese National Chess Championship, fell into a controversy of cheating in anal beads. Later, he was deprived of the title of the champion and forbidden for one year because of excretion in the hotel bathtub.

The Chinese Chess Association issued a report on Monday (December 25) on the official website on the investigation and processing of improper behavior of registered athletes Yan Moumou, announcing the deprivation of Yan Chenglong champion title.

The report said that Yan Moumou drank in the room with others on the evening of December 17. He was excreted in the bathtub in the room on the 18th, destroying the hotel's public property, violating the public order and good customs, and the game and chess projects.It caused negative impact and very bad nature.

The Chinese Chess Association decided to take back all the awards and awards in the National Chess King's Battle of the National Chess Police King in 2023, and will not issue the bonus;Eliminaries to participate in chess games.

But the Chess Association said that according to the understanding, it is impossible to confirm that Yan Moumou has the "anal bead" cheating behavior of "anal beads" speculated by the media.

Yan Chenglong defeated Jilin chess player Zhang Wei at the Finals of the National Chess Political Chess King Contest on December 17, won the finals champion and harvested a prize of 100,000 yuan (RMB, about S $ 19,000), But some chess self -media reports said that Yan Chenglong was suspected of cheating with "anal beads".

According to news, Yan Chenglong participated in the Finals of the National Chess Police Kings Finals. After checking out from the hotel, the hotel staff found that the bathtub was very turbid and suspected to have excretion.Some media speculated that Yan Chenglong used "anal beads" to cheat during the game and needed to discharge "anal beads" and washed in the bathtub.

The so -called "anal bead" cheat is cheat cheating by the intelligent anal beads that plug into the anus to send and receive information.After watching the chess player, the chess player passed the information to the beads with a rhythmic contraction. After analyzing the chess game of the bead, the beads stimulated the players' rectal nerves with a high and low frequency.