The official website of Xiamen Customs announced on Monday (December 25) that the number of sorghum wines carried by Xiamen-Kinmen and Quanzhou-Golden Gate Xiaodong route will be relaxed from now on.4.5 liters.Zhu Fenglian, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of Mainland China, expressed "happy and supported" on the same day.

Comprehensive reports from Zhongshi News Network and Taiwan Good News. The Tourism Office of Jinmen County said that the famous Jinmen sorghum wine and the fragrance are the important economic pulse of Kinmen, and it is also the fiscal revenue and social welfare of Kinmen.The main source of sources, in the face of the majority of mainland Chinese markets, promoting Golden Gate Sorghum Wine Marketing Mainland is the focus of the county's efforts.

In order to increase the marketing volume of Jinmen sorghum wine, the Jinmen County Government team has repeatedly organized a group to visit Lu, and continued to communicate with the Taiwan -Hong Kong -Macao Affairs Office of Fujian Province, Xiamen, Hong Kong and Macao.The quantity and support from the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China further coordinated the General Administration of Customs into the researchers.

The county government expressed that the county government expressed the restriction of the number of passengers of the Small Three -Stock Exchange to bring the number of passengers in the small three links.Regional tax -free and tourism -related industries can also be benefited simultaneously; while the Lunar New Year is approaching, it is also expected to drive the marketing volume of a wave of golden gate sorghum wine.

Xiamen Customs announced that in order to promote cross-strait exchanges, with the approval of the General Administration of Customs, the number of sorghum wines carried by Xiamen-Kinmen and Quanzhou-Golden Gate routes will be relaxed from the 25th.From four bottles (the total amount does not exceed three liters) to six bottles (the total amount does not exceed 4.5 liters).Since the implementation of the announcement, the announcement of the original Xiamen Customs on relaxing the announcement of the number of sorghum wines carried by Xiamen-Kinmen and Quanzhou-Golden Gate routes abolished.

Zhu Fenglian said on Monday that in order to facilitate the exchanges between cross -strait personnel, since 2006, the mainland customs relaxes the number of Taiwanese sorghum wines carried by passengers carried by direct routes of the Fujian coast and the Golden Horse.To four bottles.

Zhu Fenglian said that in recent years, the people of the Golden Horse hope to further relax the number of restrictions are high.In order to implement the opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on supporting Fujian's exploration of the cross -strait integration and development of the New Road, the construction demonstration zone of the integration and development of the two sides of the strait, support Xiamen and Jinmen to accelerate the integration and development, Fuzhou and Matsu deepen the development, and build Xiajin and Fuma."The mainland actively responded to the demands of the Golden Horse people, and further relaxed the number of Taiwanese sorghum wines carried by passengers along the coast and the Golden Horse direct routes.

Zhu Fenglian said, I believe that the implementation of this policy will bring more benefits to Taiwan compatriots, especially the Golden Horse people.As long as it is conducive to deepening the integration of cross -strait integration, as long as it is a matter of helping to improve the well -being in Taiwan's compatriots, the mainland will do it with emotions and do good things and do practical things.