Some netizens broke the news that Zhengzhou Public Transportation Group "to further alleviate the pressure of the group's operations and capital", on December 21, it issued a solicitation opinion to encourage employees' personal entrepreneurial implementation measures.When the company's employees responded to the media, they confirmed that the above opinion drafts were indeed issued by the company, but "when it is uncertain when it is implemented."

According to top news reports, Zhengzhou bus staff responded to this: "(File) is real, but it is not a formal document, it is soliciting opinions, and it is uncertain when it is implemented.It is not the solicitation plan department, it is not clear about the specific situation of the company's operation. "After the solicitation opinion, when the official documents are issued or when it is implemented, it is not yet determined."On December 21, the public transportation company issued a notice on soliciting the opinions of Zhengzhou Public Transportation Group Co., Ltd. to encourage the implementation of the implementation measures for individual employees (notice here).

The content of the document states that the notification is drafted by the Ministry of Human Resources. According to the work arrangement of the group company, in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations and the relevant system of the group company, and stamped the company's official seal.

There is also a Zhengzhou Public Transport Group Co., Ltd. in the inner attachment to encourage the implementation of the implementation of the implementation of individual employees' independent entrepreneurial entrepreneurship (soliciting opinion draft) (hereinafter referred to as the opinion).Article 1 states: In order to further alleviate the operating and capital pressure of the group company, to the greatest extent to protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees, and meet the actual needs of employees' independent entrepreneurship.Entrepreneurship.

The specific content of this opinion includes the above methods applies to employees who have worked at the group company for 10 years or more; during the entrepreneurial period, the group company retains its labor relationship;The original level is retained during the period, the working age can be continuously calculated, and the manager will no longer retain their positions; during the period, the salary, bonuses and allowance subsidies will not be allowed to enjoy various benefits;The termination of the annuity may be paid by me; the agreement can be terminated in advance during the startup period, and an application can be submitted to the unit. After approval, you can return to work in advance.