On December 25th, Chen Zhixian, a partner of the "3 -year -old 3 -year marriage" incident, told Xiaoxiang Morning News (reported on WeChat: XXCBBAOLIAO) reporter that his lawsuit against his wife and "third party" will be on December 28thThe People's Court of Dexing City, Jiangxi Province opened a trial.

"I don't know who the father of the three children is so far. After the incident, I was hacked and I didn't get any explanation. I didn't want to contact it." As for the three children, Chen Zhixian stopped paused.For a long time, "I ignored me as early as the Mid -Autumn Festival last year. No one cares about me. How about the relationship between my father and daughter before, now they have been different."

In March 2022, Chen Zhixian, who had been working abroad for a long time, found that his wife and another man lived in a hotel.After that, he conducted a DNA identification of the three children, and found that he was not his own.This has aroused the attention of the entire network.

On December 23, Chen Zhixian posted a video in a social account saying that his prosecution of his wife and the "third party" civil dispute cases will be tried on December 28.In the video, Chen Zhixian said that although he would sit on the plaintiff's seat, the case was also a trial of his own. "Everyone said that I am the most vivid man, and I shamelessly face my parents."

He said that even if he was bitter and tired in the past, for a child, for a so -called happy family, it was his happiest thing to make money."Now because of a few parent -child identification, I have lost the qualifications of my father, and my child will never call me a dad ... once a beautiful memory has become a big dream."

Chen Zhixian also said that after the trial, "major cases" will be announced.The reporter from Xiaoxiang Morning News asked Chen Zhixian that he did not explain what "the case" was.

Chen Zhixian told Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter that he is currently depressed and the biggest goal is to hope that he can pursue the criminal responsibility of his wife and "third party"."My personal strength is too small. I have no evidence to support me for criminal prosecution in advance. I hope the public security organs can intervene in the investigation."

On December 25, Chen Zhixian's acting lawyer told the Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter that they put forward more than ten claims including mental damage compensation and retreat of support for support, and prepared more than 200 pages of evidence."Specific amounts of information, will be disclosed after trial."

In addition to the attention of Chen Zhixian, a reporter from Xiaoxiang Morning News also commented that how many mental damage compensation can be dismissed to eliminate the damage to Chen Zhixian.

Yi Xu, a partner of the Jinzhou Law Firm from Hunan, said that from the perspective of criminal criminal: Generally speaking, the problem of derailment or childbirth in marriage usually does not involve criminal crimes.

But if there are specific fraud in them, it may constitute criminal criminal crimes, such as involving fake children's parent -child relationship appraisal documents.

Regarding the retreat of support: If the children are not a child of the biological father, the court will probably support the return of support.

Regarding mental damage compensation: The behavior of breeding children with others during the marriage duration violates the laws and regulations of mutual loyalty and respect between husband and wife, and causes the parties' mental pain. ThereforeThe party shall bear the liability for compensation for mental damage.The parties can ask the other party for compensation through civil lawsuits.Taking Beijing and Shanghai as an example, according to the retrieved fraudulent raising related cases, the court's decision compensation for compensation for compensation is about 1-50,000.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Zhou Lingru