In just two days, Nicaragua signed more than 400 million US dollars (about S $ 530 million) loan agreements with China to build an international airport and liquefied natural gas receiving station.

Agence France -Presse Friday (December 22) quoted Nicaragua officials and reported the above news.

It is reported that Nicaragua signed a $ 430 million loan agreement with China to build an international airport and a liquefied natural gas receiving station.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Nicaragua President Ortega made a call on Wednesday (20th). Chinese officials announced that the two countries decided to raise bilateral relations into strategic partnership.

Ortega's son, Muri, was slightly appointed as a president's investment, trade and international cooperation consultants. He described Nizhong relations as "strategic partnership".

The funds borrowed from Beijing will be used to fund the Punta Huete International Airport Project and the project in Tres Esferas to build a natural gas terminal. These twoThe projects are close to the capital of Nicaragua.

Nicaragua Finance Secretary Akustea said on Thursday (21st): "We are mobilizing a lot of resources for the country, exceeding 430 million US dollars."He described that these funds for RMB were a "important advantage" of Nicaragua's "de -US dollar strategy".

China State -owned Enterprise China Industry International Co., Ltd. will be responsible for reconstruction, expanding and improving Nicaragua's existing Pomowit Airport and natural gas receiving stations located at Nicaragua, 60 kilometers north.

Akosta told Nicaragua Fourth TV Channel that the new airport will improve the air connection between Nicaragua and Asia, Europe, and other regions.

The establishment of diplomatic relations between mainland China and Nicaragua in 1985. In 1990, Nicaragua established diplomatic relations with Taiwan to break diplomatic relations with mainland China.On December 9, 2021, Nicaragua announced that she had broken diplomatic relations with Taiwan and signed a joint bulletin with mainland China the next day to restore the ambassador -level diplomatic relations between the two countries.

After the restoration of diplomatic relations in 2021, the two countries have become increasingly accelerated.The free trade agreement signed in August this year will take effect on January 1, 2024.