Since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law three years, the National Security Department of the Hong Kong Government has arrested a total of 260 people, and most of them are suspected of conducting behaviors that endanger national security in Hong Kong.A few days ago, Tang Yingjie, the prisoner who violated the Hong Kong National Security Law, appeared in the TV station to confess his regret, which caused heated discussions.

The program named French and Anguo was assisted by the Hong Kong Police Office and filmed by TVB. There were 12 episodes in total, each episode two minutes, aiming to strengthen Hong Kong people's understanding of the national security law.Tang Yingjie appeared in the last episode and became the finale of the show.

From the show screen, Tang Yingjie was wearing brown prison clothes and walked next to the barbed wire of the prison. He swept it gently in front of the wire mesh with his right hand.He reflected that at the time, the crime was because of the influence of the social atmosphere and became very satisfactory. It was thought that only violence could solve the problem. The most uncomfortable time after entering prison was the time when he lost his mother -in -law. "Maybe when I went out, she went out.Maybe it's no longer a life, in fact, I'm really punishing the people around me. "

Tang Yingjie, 26, is paving the way for the future. He has now regained his schoolbag in prison and participated in the "Lide College" opened for adults. He hopes that he can become a skydiving or diving coach after leaving prison.

At the end of the show, the picture shows that Tang Yingjie served as the flag -raised bearer in prison.As the Chinese national anthem played, he started the Chinese flag, looked ahead, and saluted the national flag that was promoted to Xu Xu with his right hand.The description of the show described: "Ajie has the opportunity to be the flag -raised bearer to understand the meaning of the national flag and national anthem."

After the show was broadcast, Hong Kong's social discussions were available.Some netizens criticized the program to reflect the Hong Kong Government to humiliate the prisoners through "television confession"; but some Hong Kong people believe that Tang Yingjie raised his national flag from waving Hong Kong's unique flag to a prison suit, reflecting that he had changed his heart.

Recalling July 1, 2020, the next day when the Hong Kong National Security Law came into effect, Tang Yingjie drove an electric south car with a "Hong Kong independence" slogan and drove in Wan Chai.Later, he attempted to rush to the police line of the police. After hurting the three police officers, he fell to the ground with the motorcycle and was subdued and arrested, becoming the defendant of the first case of the Hong Kong National Security Law.

The prosecution disclosed in the court that Tang Yingjie communicated with a netizen on the afternoon of the day of the incident. The other party had sent a news picture to him. The picture showed that the police had shown the purple flag and warned those who were present in violation of the Hong Kong National Security Law.It can be seen that Tang Yingjie knew that his behavior was illegal and still insisted on challenging the Hong Kong National Security Law.The court finally sentenced Tang Yingjie to the crime of inciting others to split the country and terrorist activities for nine years in prison.

Leaving aside the political position, Tang Yingjie is actually a young man who is not bad.According to the defense lawyer, he revealed that when Tang Yingjie's incident, he lived in public housing with his father and sister.He graduated from five and once served as a restaurant waiter.Due to the first aid knowledge, he had been a first aid at the demonstration site.

Jiang Wanjun, the owner of Mong Kok Tea Store, who had appeared in court as a defense witness, also recalled that on the occasion of the street anti -repair case in November 2019, Tang Yingjie from time to time in the store for emergency, eye washing, and wounding.She said: "He raised the banner, he wanted to express that he really liked the place in Hong Kong, and I really wanted Hong Kong."

In fact, Tang Yingjie's encounter is the epitome of many young people in Hong Kong.After the 2019 anti -repair movement began, a large number of Hong Kong youths went to the streets to protest under the influence of social emotions, and even performed illegal acts, and were eventually arrested and imprisoned.According to police figures, more than 10,000 people have been arrested so far, most of them are young people.

In the past three years, some anti -repair demonstrators who have been prisoner have still believed that they are not wrong, but many prisoners are deeply regretted after reflection.Hong Kong is a rule of law, and anyone who violates the law must be responsible.But if you have made mistakes like Tang Yingjie and really want to change your new young people, society may also consider how to help them return to the right track.