(Beijing/Washington Comprehensive News) China announced on Thursday (December 21) that the export of technology is prohibited from refining, processing and utilization of rare earth to maintain its market leading position in rare earth technology.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Commerce of China, the Ministry of Commerce of China and the Ministry of Science and Technology jointly released the Chinese ban on export restrictions on export restrictions on Thursday. Among them, there are 24 categories that are prohibited from exports, and 110 categories restrict exports.This release is the revision of the 2020 catalog, which takes effect from the date of release.

The prohibited export part of the rare earth industry includes the production technology of rare earth extraction separation technology; the production technology of rare earth metal and alloy materials; 钐 cobalt, cymbal iron boron, and cylinder system preparation technology; rare earth boric acid oxygen calcium preparation technology.Restricted export parts, including mining, mineral selection, smelting technology, etc. of rare earth.

China's rare earth output accounts for 90%of global smelting production, and is the world's largest rare earth processing country.Reuters reported that when China released the new rules of protecting the country's rare earth technology, it was the time that Europe and the United States scrambled to get rid of China's rare earth dependence.

China has mastered the extraction separation process for refining this strategic mineral, and Western rare earth companies have always been difficult to adopt this process due to technical complexity and pollution problems.

It is unclear to what export of China's rare earth technology.The former CEO of the Canadian Rare Earth Enterprise NEO Performance Materials, Lacaranopolus, said that Beijing has not encouraged rare earth exports for many years. The latest announcement is just "formal things everyone knows."

Bloomberg said that the new regulations do not affect the export of rare earth products itself, but may intend to defeat the efforts to develop the rare earth industry outside China.

中国与西方围绕关键矿产控制权之争不断升级,今年以来,中国收紧了几种金属的出口指导规定,8月对锗和镓相关物项实施出口限制;自12月起,又Implement export restrictions on some graphite as a key material for battery.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said at the press conference on Friday (22nd) that the revision of this directory is a specific measure and routine adjustment of China's specific measures to adapt to the changes in the development of the technological development and improve the management of technical trade management.

He also emphasized that China has always adhered to reform and development with openness, and will create positive conditions for promoting international economic and trade cooperation on the basis of maintaining national economic security and development interests.