(Beijing / Shanghai Comprehensive News) China released a new draft of online game management on Friday (December 22) to publicly solicit opinions from the society, and aims to curb the phenomenon of inducing consumption.The move caused the market to worry about China's new round of rectification of online games, and the stock price of game companies led by NetEase and Tencent fell sharply on Friday.

China National Press and Publication Department website released online game management measures (draft solicitation draft draft), which mentioned that online games must not set up daily login, first recharge, and continuous recharge.The recharge limit.

Although many game companies have responded that they will actively cooperate with the competent unit to jointly promote the healthy development of the industry, but this new draft of the new rules that are hardly warned can quickly trigger the industry earthquake.

The industry is worried about the plunge of the stock price of income to be frustrated.

First Financial Network quoted an anonymous game company managers who said that this method may have a significant impact on heavy gold games, and it will also have an impact on users' retention.

The so -called heavy gold game refers to the player to obtain a better experience or higher level game by purchasing virtual items or currencies in the game.

Jiang Xiaoxiao, an executive director of the CIC Burning Consultation, pointed out that the recharge limit will definitely affect the commercialization of the game, and pointed out that if the new rules are on the ground, "flowing water and income will be affected by the game company.A inevitable situation. "

Affected by the news, the stock company's stock price plummeted on Friday.Among the Hong Kong stock game companies, Tencent closed more than 12%, and the decline in the market exceeded 15%; NetEase fell more than 16%, and the decline in the market exceeded 27%; the heartbeat company fell 19%;Both British Networks and Century Huatong's stock price declined more than 9%.

Among the A -share companies, the stock prices of companies such as Baotong Technology, Shengtian Network, Shenzhou Taiyue, Pingqu Technology, and Glacier Network have all fallen by more than 10%.Sanqi Mutual Entertainment, Yao Kee Technology, Gibi, and Electronic Soul Network have all lost their daily limit.

The Chinese government has been taking measures in recent years to seek balance between preventing young people from adding to online games and promoting the development of the gaming industry.Since the beginning of this year, the Chinese game industry has recovered the trend obvious. Data show that the size of Chinese game users this year is 668 million, an increase of 0.61%year -on -year, a new high in history.