The official draft of the online game management method of online game management of Chinese officials is on the game.Excessive use and high consumption are limited.It is mentioned that online games are not allowed to set up induction rewards such as daily login, first recharge, and continuous recharge.After the news was released, multiple game stocks in Hong Kong stocks plummeted.

According to the website of the National Press and Publication Administration on Friday (December 22), the National Press and Publication Administration publicly solicited opinions on the online game management measures (draft solicitation draft)The order of the game industry, protect the legitimate rights and interests of users, protect the physical and mental health of minors, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the online game industry.

In order to restrict the excessive use and high consumption of the game, the draft proposes that online games must not set up induction rewards such as daily login, first recharge, and continuous recharge.In addition, all online games must set the user recharge limit and publicize it in their service rules. The unspoken consumption behavior of users should be a pop -up warning reminder.

The draft also mentioned that when online game publishing and operation units provide random extraction services, they should make reasonable settings and probability of the extraction and probability. Do not induce online game users to spend too much consumption.At the same time, users should provide users with virtual props exchanges and use online game currency to purchase directly to obtain the same performance virtual props and value -added services.

In response to minors, the draft proposes that the minor uses the online game period and duration of the minor;; It is not allowed to provide a paid service that does not match its civil behavior capabilities; it is not allowed to provide random extraction services to minors; online game live broadcast must not have rewards for minors.

In addition, the draft also mentioned that there are necessary technical equipment needed to engage in online game publishing business. Related servers and storage equipment must be stored in the People's Republic of China.

On the day of the release of the draft, multiple game stocks in Hong Kong stocks plummeted.Among them, the decline in the Chinese online game giant NetEase was approaching 30%, setting a record of the largest decline in the largest market. Tencent fell more than 15%and Bilibili fell more than 10%.In addition, there are 10 game stocks such as Sanqi Mutual Entertainment, Baotong Technology, and Giant Network.

The 2023 Chinese gaming industry report released last week showed that the actual sales revenue of the Chinese game market in 2023 was 302.964 billion yuan (RMB, Same as S $ 57.6 billion), an increase of 37.080 billion yuan, a year -on -year increase13.95%, exceeding the 300 billion mark for the first time.

The size of Chinese game users reached 668 million this year, an increase of 0.61%year -on -year, a new high in history.In 2023, the actual sales revenue of the Chinese mobile game market was 226.860 billion yuan, an increase of 33.802 billion yuan, an increase of 17.51%year -on -year, setting a new record.