At the end of the year, the Supreme People's Procuratorate in China said that it will work hard to promote the solution of "hard work for a whole year, difficult to get salary at the end of the year".

According to the official website of the Chinese Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Supreme Supreme Case on Friday (December 22) released a typical case of punishment and rejection of labor remuneration.The attitude of punishment, multi -channel recovery of arrears of wages, fully pursuing the concept of case handling, and determination to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers. "

In the case announced by the Supreme Procuratorate, the number of malicious wages involved in the case first involved in the case is particularly huge and the number of ownership is large, causing a bad social impact, and accurately applied to the statutory sentence.Without paying the clues of labor remuneration crimes, the procuratorate actively carried out investigation and verification, and supervised the case in accordance with the law.

The third case of the case, found the omissions of the owed salary, the criminal subject, etc., accurately identify the facts of the criminal according to law, and effectively grasp the "capture" and "complaint" standard;, But if there is a factual labor relationship with the workers, it is determined that the subject that refuses to pay the labor remuneration crime in accordance with the law;Legal rights and interests.

The Supreme Prosecutor said that since the crime of refusing to pay for labor remuneration, procuratorial organs at all levels across the country have based on judicial handling of cases, through early intervention, guiding evidence collection, performing review arrests in accordance with the law, reviewing and prosecution, and investigating cases and other case responsibilities., Punish malicious arrears in accordance with the law and achieve obvious results.

The person in charge of the Procuratorate of the Supreme Procuratorate said that the Economic Work Conference of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in the early days of the month emphasized that "guaranteeing migrant workers' wages on time and full amount";Continue to consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation, strengthen farmers' income increase measures, and concentrate their strengths to do a good job of being able to do a lot of people.

The person in charge said that in the next step, the procuratorial organs will take the policies and systems such as lenients and strictness, confessing and confession, and punishment as the starting point.Diversified expansion of the recovery channels of arrears, urging the owe enterprises and individuals to raise funds and pay for compensation, and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of ordinary workers.